“KAMAZ” will begin production of unmanned vehicles in 2021

The development of unmanned vehicles engaged for all the major automakers. Is no exception and the domestic “KAMAZ”, which plans to launch production of unmanned vehicles by 2021.

In fact, to start production of Autonomous cars can be used, but as the press service notes, “this requires a legislative definition of” where is written, that refers to unmanned vehicles. Also experts need to find out a potential base of customers who will be interested in buying Autonomous cars.

It is already known that the plant will have a production presented in 2016 20 unmanned buses S. A. T. L. the new version. A feature of the bus is quite stylish in design and adaptively innovative housing design. The project of the UAV is also connected to the development team of “Yandex”, which is responsible for the creation of infrastructure for routing and processing data on road traffic density.

Representatives of the company “KAMAZ” has declared that some decisions bus S. A. I. L. will be used in new cars that the company plans to introduce in the future. In particular, it concerns the system of “sight” of the drone.

“Today, this technology requires testing, development and many trials, including in the harsh conditions of the city. This is a very important step, but we believe that this technology after 2020 will become repetitive, safe and accessible.”

“KAMAZ” will begin production of unmanned vehicles in 2021
Vladimir Kuznetsov

