Scientists have found that diet affects our emotional state

One popular advertising claims: you’re not you when you’re hungry. However, our mood and emotional state affects not only hunger, but also the food that we eat. To such conclusion experts of the medical center when rush University. A new study has shown that people who consume healthful diets not only reduce the risk of diseases such as hypertension, but also demonstrate lower rates of depression. In other words, for the first time have been scientifically proven direct link between diet and mental health.

Survey of employees of rush University set itself the goal of finding the right diet to cure hypertension. Scientists have developed a special power circuit and tried it on 964 volunteers over a six-year experiment. Diet meant limiting the intake of sodium, and a large number of fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals and low-fat dairy products in the diet of the subjects. Not so long ago, this diet was recognized as the world’s leading nutritionists one of the most healthy and efficient in the world.

A Guinea annually examined, among other things, evaluating and having symptoms of depression. Scientists have divided all participants into three groups, depending on how strictly people adhered to their diet. It turned out that those subjects who most closely followed the instructions almost was not subject to depression compared to other participants in the study. The study’s author Laurel Cherian notes that while it is only an associative observation, and at this stage you cannot be 100% sure that such a diet reduces the risk of depression.

However, scientists do not exclude that the reason of a healthy diet. A similar experiment not long ago spent and the staff of the Deakin University (Australia). They gathered two groups of volunteers with a diagnosis of depressive disorders, one of which started to stick to a healthy diet of the Mediterranean style, and the second passed through a social program to support people with depression. Three months later it turned out that one third of the members of the group, sitting on a diet, managed to get rid of depression, whereas in the second group the rate of healing did not exceed 8%, despite all the efforts who worked with her psychologists.

Scientists have found that diet affects our emotional state
Sergey Grey

