Red wine can prevent teeth and gum disease

Between supporters of a healthy lifestyle and Amateurs skip dinner a couple of glasses of red wine are constantly stimulating debates about who is right and who is deeply mistaken. Despite the fact that alcohol in large quantities is definitely harmful for the human body, scientists from year to year to discover new properties of alcoholic drinks, which is hardly “negative”. At this time, the researchers found that the components contained in red wine, prevent diseases of the teeth and gums.

Previously it has been scientifically proven that the ingredients found in red wine, can improve the condition of the cardiac muscles and even to reduce the risk of cancer. The positive properties of wine are mostly based on their components called polyphenols. Fruits used for production of alcoholic beverages, use of polyphenols in order to fight harmful bacteria. In addition, polyphenols can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and even slow the aging process, according to some research (which, of course, with many questioning).

The most well-known polyphenol is resveratrol, a natural phytoalexin, is able to protect the grapes against bacteria and even fungi. It has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and even lower blood sugar levels properties that has been proven in numerous laboratory experiments on mice. Resveratrol is found not only in grapes but also in some other fruits and berries, cocoa beans and nuts. Its concentration in red wine is an average of from 0.2 to 5.8 milligrams per litre. In white wine, because of the peculiarities of production, the concentration of polyphenol is significantly lower.

Earlier, the antioxidant properties of polyphenols contained in wine, has been studied exclusively in conditions of the digestive tract. But this time, scientists decided to explore what happens to these components before they enter the stomach. Primarily they were interested in the question: how wine affects bacteria living in the oral cavity, the causes of diseases of the teeth and gums. As the studied polyphenols was selected caffeic acid and p-Komarova acid. These substances are really difficult process of attachment of bacteria to cells of the gums, however by themselves they acted significantly more effective than if in connection with other components of red wine.

Published in the journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry article the researchers emphasize that not call anyone to rinse your mouth with red wine before bed. However, the obvious conclusion reached by scientists was the assumption that on the basis of such polyphenols can create very effective drugs for oral hygiene.

Red wine can prevent teeth and gum disease
Sergey Grey

