Driver monstertruckdrama Haaksbergen the fry in

Driver monstertruckdrama Haaksbergen the fry in

Posted on 15-04-2016 at 10:39 by RubenPriest – 75 Comments”

Bestuurder monstertruckdrama Haaksbergen de bak in
The court has today ruled in the monster truck case.

The driver is aware of the monster should be 15 months of sitting, so the court ruled in Almelo today. This corresponds to the requirement of the Public Prosecutor’s office, the driver anderhalfjaar years behind bars would have.

The tragic accident in 2014 claimed three lives and 24 people were injured. Later it turned out that the monster is technically almost in order. The court goes along with the ORDER and the man is convicted with a ‘death by debt’. In addition to the driver, was also the organisation behind the event punished. The foundation Sterevenementen has a conditional fine of € 25,000 imposed.

