What do Jeremy Clarkson and Justin Bieber have in common?

What do Jeremy Clarkson and Justin Bieber have in common?

Posted on 11-04-2015 at 22:57 by sir_smokalot – 58 Comments”

A) They both have a Ritz-ordered
B) They both have Selena Gomez (*) shelled
C) They are both not so good in Argentina

Messrs Clarkson and Bieber (who were both entertainers, and both lovers of fast cars) have a piece of common ground found. OK, the first two points, we cannot determine with certainty, but point C) is always true. Clarkson does in this respect no further explanation seems to us to be so, and today it was announced that Justice Beaver, but better with a bow to Argentina travel: the Argentine justice is looking for the boy wonder because of misconduct in Buenos Aires, he would be together with bodyguards outside a nightclub, a photographer and a cameraman have been attacked.

That is so constantly over his shoulder to look, because you know how it goes with the Argentines: one moment there is nothing to the hand, and the other moment you wake up to a few kilometers in height, then unceremoniously (and parachute) from an airplane gelazerd to be. Not that certain ‘reacreeps’ there to be so disappointed about the loss would be, but given the inevitable hysteria – annex suicidegolf under the beleibers, this seems to be a very bad plan.

So far, your celeb-update of today. Back to you, Albert! *tu-du-du-du-duuuu*

