How to Act Like an Aquarius: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Questions and Answers

If you’re an Aquarius (air sign) and you’re not sure what traits are best to bring out in your Aquarian personality, this article will help you to make the most of your astrologically influenced charms.


  1. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 1 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 1

    Be eccentric and unpredictable. These are common Aquarian traits. Act mysterious and quirky to keep others guessing. Will you grab the keys and dash down to the store for more milk or will you simply make milk from almonds off the back tree? You are so creative that anything is possible.

  2. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 2 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 2

    Try new things. Aquarians are not afraid of the new and of trying out things that are as yet unknown to them, or maybe even to the world.

  3. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 3 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 3

    Keep moving. Aquarians are restless and cannot stay involved with one thing for too long. Keep up-to-date with technological changes and try to be at the forefront of them.

  4. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 4 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 4

    Know your positive traits. These include being friendly, humanitarian, caring, empathetic, honest, loyal, inventive, independent, innovative, original, and daring to be different.[1]

  5. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 5 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 5

    Try to tone down your negative traits. These include stubbornness, contrariness, unemotional, detached, chaotic and rebellious.[2] Work on letting your positive traits balance your negative, so that they make up most of your personality and interactive style.

  6. Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 6 Image titled Act Like an Aquarius Step 6

    Live within society without being bound by its constrictions. Let your creativity float above it all and guide your everyday actions and thoughts. Keep your head out of the clouds though; people are as they are, not as you would wish them to be.

