How to Act Like a Cartoon Character: 6 Steps

Questions and Answers

Who does not want to be a cartoon? Cartoon characters are funny, fun, bouncy, and entertaining. Read on and you too, O reader, shall learn to act like a cartoon.



  1. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 1 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 1

    Exaggerate. Sadly, you can’t make your jaw drop to the floor without unsafe amounts of surgery. Still, intensify your facial expressions and add a bounce to your steps. Always overreact.

  2. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 2 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 2

    Wear the same clothes everyday if possible. When you go shopping buy more than one same type of clothing, because cartoon characters usually wear the same thing everyday, unless it’s a special occasion.

  3. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 3 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 3

    Anticipate. Add little opposite-motions before your main action. Pull your arm back before you swing it out to point at something. Bring your body back and strike a counter-pose (like the inverse of the action it precedes) or sprint in place before you take off running.

  4. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 4 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 4

    Be elastic. A huge part of cartoon animation is “Squash-and-Stretch.” This is the squashing and stretching of a character’s body to make him/her appear more rubbery. Imitate this effect.

  5. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 5 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 5

    Be spontaneous. Be random! Indulge whatever silly impulse that comes to mind (within reason).

  6. Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 6 Image titled Act Like a Cartoon Character Step 6

    Look like a cartoon. You will probably want to involve bright colors and props (Ex. bubble pipes, polka-dot bow ties, fake mustaches, etc.)

