This cemetery is full of old tanks [gallery]

This cemetery is full of old tanks

Posted on 22-09-2013 at 20:45 by MrBrown – 19 Comments”

Kerkhof voor legerspul

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Also a legertank after his hectic life can rest in peace. That is done on this cemetery in the Ukraine.

In this spot a lot of old legerspul rusting away. Tanks who for years have been active in wars, lots of violence have experienced and all in top condition. Those vehicles deserve a fine, honorable resting place.

Because the culture barbarians in Russia total have no interest in a museum with tanks and they’ve never environmentally friendly disassembly have heard, are the units but dumped. That delivers beautiful pictures. RIP tanks!

Gallery: Tank graveyard

image Tank kerkhof-00.jpg

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image Tank kerkhof-01.jpg
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image Tank kerkhof-02.jpg
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image Tank kerkhof-03.jpg
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image Tank kerkhof-04.jpg
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image Tank kerkhof-05.jpg
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image Tank kerkhof-08.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-09.jpg =”” />
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image Tank kerkhof-11.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-12.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-13.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-14.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-15.jpg =”” />
image Tank kerkhof-16.jpg =”” />

