Reckless Chinese leave Ferrari 458 snag [video]

Reckless Chinese leave Ferrari 458 snag

Posted on 10-03-2015 at 9:44 by sir_smokalot – 30 Comments”

Unfortunately, the driver is not behind a pretence to hide, because of his reckless action is crisp lo-res video.

For body shops and supercarfabrikanten China is a gold mine. Sales grew explosively in recent years, and most new owners are not exactly economical on their hp-cannon, or just downright reckless. Combine this God-complex-cum-yolo-mentality by the owners (nice slalommen in traffic) with whole pieces of bad road, and you can lol at.

In the province of Guangdong, reed the man with his purple glimjack his beautiful red Ferrari to smithereens after he a bit too enthusiastic on the gas went and lost control. Another one bites the dust. A friend of him in an Audi filmed the incident, this check on autojunk.

Source: Weibo.

Gallery: Ferrari 458 crash, Guangdong

image Ferrari-458-crash-China-001.jpg
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image Ferrari-458-crash-China-006.jpg
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