For a while, is Iowa again the centre of the world

mon 01 feb 2016, 05:30

First widow in race to White House

All eyes focused on Iowa

Herman Trunk

Des Moines –

For a while, is Iowa the center of the world. No hotel room is unoccupied, all rental cars are full until at least Monday night as the outcome hopefully known.

All this because thousands of Republicans, Democrats, journalists and political experts would like to have the first primaries in the presidentsrace of 2016 live. Especially now that the elections through the participation of houwdegen Donald Trump on every face, different are, and Iowa is the official kick-off of for several months spectacle.

That the boerenstaat in the middle of America in the center of attention, is the result of an American tradition in which Iowa the honor of the start signal, while the strict christian area far from a cross-section of American society.

And then the first elections for the presidential candidates of the Democratic and Republican party even with an old-fashioned caucus (an Indian word for the collection of tribal leaders) which party members in each district during a buurtvergadering each other trying to convince their voorkeurskandidaat.

A difficult to estimate, but also very lively, democratic process. The week is in New Hampshire, the first ’ordinary’ vote to wait. After the boerenstaat Iowa, and the liberal New Hampshire there is a slightly better estimate to which side the preference is actually to go there, but really it should also still waiting on Nevada and South Carolina (later in February).

Surprising winners

But Iowa is very important to be well out of the starting blocks, though there are often surprising winners to write down where, later, little was heard, as the oerconservatief Rick Santorum in 2012 in Iowa, the battle between the Republicans won but no pots could break.

Among the Republicans seems to Iowa the opportunity for Ted Cruz to Donald Trump a tap. Cruz, utterly conservative christian senator from Texas, is popular with many evangelicals in the state. He drives countless miles in his campagnebus in the smallest churches and buurtgebouwen the voters to convince.

He is accompanied by figures like Bob VanderPlaats, the pastor of the christian organization The Family Leader, in Iowa is of great influence. After this weekend, Cruz and his campagnebus ’Cruzin to Victory’ all the districts of Iowa is affected.


As an accomplished preacher warms VanderPlaats the company with TrustTed-signs on it, this time in a community centre in Ottumwa, a ruined place to the Des Moines river.

,,Benjamin Netanyahu looked at me last year during my visit to Israel intently after he knew that I was from Iowa came,’ says Vander. ,,Choose wisely, there in Iowa, he gave me’, warns VanderPlaats on a whispering tone.

It seems to make an impression on the room where some of the supporters even the bible up stitches as Cruz and not much later the stage one. ,,Unconditional support to Israel. One of the first things I do as president is to the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, moving, where it belongs’, says Cruz, for the occasion dressed in a loose, spencer and jeans.

Not for nothing would he there these days that are concurrent Trump that reprimanded and money smijtende New York and much weaker in the doctrine.

But also the flamboyant vastgoedmiljonair tries during his stay in Iowa to keep things simple. So surprised reporters as he appears to the night spent in the local Holiday Inn. ,,Comfortable beds and blissful sleep,’ says Trump with a smile, for he in his private jet to Iowa City doorvliegt.


The contrast of its meetings with those of the other candidates is huge. Its rooms stand out. So also on the university complex of Iowa City. Hundreds of disappointed people, including striking a lot of young people, need to be sent home because the fire is too crowded and too dangerous.

In the audience are, however, dozens of anti-Trump protesters penetrated. Whenever Trump wants to speak, they try to give him pause with a whistle and screaming. But soon they are drowned out by a jeering crowd who can’t wait to Trump his by now well-known words, to speak: ,,Throw them out there but from’.

Then a couple of burly security guards, they quickly to the outside guide and Trump is full of bravado the worstelteam of the local university announced that champion of the USA has become. ,,Guys that I even can’t’, call Trump and then again a loud applause erupts.

