Circuschick pulls hearse. With her hair [video]

Circuschick pulls hearse. With her hair

Posted on 19-11-2013, 18:28 by sir_smokalot – 8 Comments”

Boobstacia IV
This is Anastasia IV, no cow out of the barn of farmer Egbert, but a Polish circus performer, which is a painful trick: all heavy objects in motion, with only her hair.

To demonstrate this pulled them out recently in a sexy outfit, and brought in a time of about a minute, a 2.5-tonne hearse using a type of towing eye at the top of her head, was confirmed a distance of 20 metres from A to B in London’s Shaftsbury Avenue. This scored they got a listing in the Guinness Book of Records.

Yep, the nails of his pocket on the Red Square, the other to pull hearses with her hair, not so strange at all right? We still have a fun challenge for mrs. Anastasia: do the same trick even against a full accelererende AMS Madness. Dibs on her scalp.

If they are still a man looking for, we can her this Lambotemmende German recommend. A marriage proposal of mr. Li Sheng Pang she has rejected, because they are intentions not entirely trusted. No hair on her head to think.

For the case the hairs will not keep this circusartieste a safety net: they are for not less than GBP 1 million insured. Sapperdekwast! Video on Freakshowjunk! (via

