What is so special about this DeLorean?

What is so special about this DeLorean?

Posted on 17-06-2015 at 7:49 by sir_smokalot – 60 Comments”

DeLorean DMC-12
There can be only one.. Oh wait, are we going to get two iconic 80’s movies together?

On 26 June the above DeLorean in Berlin under the hammer. At first glance it is yet another stainless-steel DMC-12, however, this model has a pedigree. John DeLorean himself bought him as a present for his then wife, the actress/model Cristina Ferrara (retro-fap).

When the two in ’85 went underwent her (in Ireland built) hinged door-American the same fate, and after some wanderings, the model is 1982 now on an auction ended.

Really very rare is the DMC-12 with by 9,200 copies produced are not, and very soon was the car neither, but thanks to Marty McFly and Doc Emmett Brown knows basically everyone in the car. The offer starts at 34.000 euro, but the provider expects/hopes to have between 70 and 100,000 euros to come out. The most expensive auctioned DeLorean ever – a prototype – did 110.000 dollar, are translated more than a hundred thousand euro’s.

Say, how is it with that spectacular electric DeLorean that would come? D. o.a?

