Average Bugatti customer has 84 cars, 3 jets and 1 yacht

Average Bugatti customer has 84 cars, 3 jets and 1 yacht

Posted on 01-10-2014 at 23:32 by ricardo – 43 Comments”

Gemiddelde Bugatti-klant heeft 84 auto's, 3 jets en 1 jacht
Welcome to the life of Veyron buyers.

While you take the time to create an image with this info, we put forward where this statement comes from. Bloomberg has an article devoted to the expensive Bugatti, but funding of Volkswagen continue to get, while at other VAG brands the knife in the costs. The word also comes Wolfgang Dürheimer. The current CEO of Bugatti, who was also at the helm at the luxury brand Bentley. He explained briefly what the difference is between the Bentley and Bugatti-client:

“The clients are between Bentley and Bugatti is remarkably different. The Bentley customer on average owns 8 cars. The average Bugatti customer has about 84 cars, 3 jets and one yacht.”

Simply say that you average clientele ‘already about 84 cars. Give you not very much that the Veyron is only bought because of the price tag and the fact that the world’s fastest production car is?

We go in the meantime, our heads have to break on a collection of 84 cars.

