Do Germans with Chinese clones of ‘their’ BMW X5

Do Germans with Chinese clones of ‘their’ BMW X5

Posted on 22-10-2014 at 9:55 pm by sir_smokalot – 28 Comments”

Shuangbleeeergh CEO
There are first 100,000 kilometers in driving, and him to pieces and blow it up.

Do you know the Shuanghuang CEO yet? The X5-clone was one of the first examples of Chinese kopieerdrift that we saw, and the car knew the German car industry heavily against himself in the harness to hunt. A German journo put 100,000 km on the clock, and decided that the time is now ripe was the Chinese to the eternal jachtvelden to blow up.

In spite of legal prohibitions (in the port of Rotterdam, they stood en masse rotting away) knew autojournalist Wolfgang Blaube years ago a copy of the CEO on German plates, to yourself to find out how it runs.

The image that is sketched is not so good: all the rust, brake discs that are only suitable for kamikazepiloten, dead flies in the headlights, in short: a jalopy that after a ton of miles already ripe for demolition, which is exactly what the audience wants to hear.

Not that this is us very surprised: there will be truth inside, but at the same time, we see here, especially Germans, for their own parish to preach. Every German who is proud of his industry welcomes a little inside when those pesky Chinese and their inferior junk on their number be placed (while their industry is currently pretty much floats on selling to the same nasty Chinese, but that aside).

In the following videoitem, that the creators of extra credits in Munich resulted in, the CEO, and all are compelling to the ground burned to the ground. Literally. Best entertaining internettelevee, but you have to be German:

