020 turn lez by: old vans must exit

020 turn lez by: old vans must exit

Posted on 07-10-2015 at 13:37 by RubenPriest – 53 Comments”

Een Peugeot Partner uit 1997
The plan is then final. All dieselstokers over 17 years of age will be banned from the city. The simple entrepreneur have to but a new van to buy. With a loan.

The paper layers are already on the table. The only thing that had to happen was a pair of shorts and some signatures. Boom. The plans range in from 1 January 2017, and our capital is in 2025, a C02-neutral place full of green flora, and children can finally be safe again on the streets without a mask.

In cooperation with different organizations is the alderman Abdeluheb Choho of Sustainability, managed to parties to involve in his plan. The agreement is signed by the shippers ‘organization EVO, Transport en Logistiek Nederland, the employers’ organization VNO-NCW, and the club of Amsterdam City. The whole proposal falls under the name ‘Agenda of Sustainability which includes companies with 10 measures to come to the city to be a bit greener.

The problem affects not only the entrepreneur in the city, but also on the outer ring of the A10 is it strictly verboten to drive with a historic diesel. How soon in Zaandam or Landsmeer is they have yet to figure out. On coulantie of the municipality having busjeshouders not count.

