The situation around the so-called aliens they conform becomes more confusing


Most likely, it wasn’t aliens. No, seriously, it is unlikely that it could be aliens, but a very unusual star KIC 8462852 and collected her data only to generate the astronomers have more questions than answers. In General, the situation around the so-called alien megastructures allegedly built an alien civilization near the star, it becomes even more mysterious.

Since the discovery of space telescope “Kepler” stars KIC 84628532 astronomers can’t stop thinking about what is the source of its unusual and not yet logical explanation of anomalous fluctuations of its glow. Four years of continuous observations of the star showed that her illumination is very chaotic, and the light output periodically drops to 20 percent. This is extremely unusual behavior for a star that cannot be explained by simple presence of a planet that periodically passes by her. Some astronomers suggested that such a feature can be explained by the presence of KIC 8462852 around a dense cluster of comets or asteroids. Other suspect aliens. However, the exact answer what it is, is still no.

Astronomer Jason Wright, for example, proposed the idea that such an unusual distortion of the star KIC 8462852 may be caused by some giant cosmic structure of artificial origin like the hypothetical Dyson sphere. This assumption immediately caused a wave of discussions around the world and at the same time forced to strengthen all the forces of the SETI program to search for evidence of the existence of our cosmic neighbours. Unfortunately, in two independent studies to determine the presence of active radio signals and laser beams, which could come from the star KIC 8462852 and was a direct proof of the existence of technologically advanced civilizations, were unsuccessful.

However, according to a study recently published in the online library the hypothesis about the distortion of cometary stars are also found no evidence that making the situation around KIC 8462852 even more confusing and mystical. Although “Kepler” for the star KIC 8462852 just a few years, the astronomer Bradley Schaefer of Louisiana state University, who published a recent study, decided to conduct an analysis of photographic plates of the sky, created in the late 19th century. To his surprise, he found that over the last hundred years, the luminous efficiency KIC 8462852 periodically declined by about 19 percent, which is “absolutely contrary to the behavior of any star of class F”.

“This fact questioned the possibility of dimming the stars of a dense cluster of comets,” says TABATA Bagan, the head of the research group that first discovered this unusual star.

“We need more data before you can answer the question about what’s really going on”.

The mystery of the stars KIC 8462852 will take time and work. However, this is the beauty of scientific discovery. We already have all possible explanations of what might happen there. It remains only to choose the correct option. To make it more modern technology. One such technology will be the TESS space telescope, which will replace the outdated “Kepler” in 2017.

