Watch the Horror of LA’s Natural Gas Leak in Real Time

Watch the Horror of LA's Natural Gas Leak in Real Time

Remember that time you took the bus to work instead of your car and you felt really great for helping the environment? Well, you can start feeling less great. The Environmental Defense Fund has created a real-time counter showing just how much damage LA’s natural gas leak is causing.

As of the publication of this post, the leak has released 82,464.15 metric tons of methane into the air. That’s the same as 779,451,495 gallons of gasoline burned… wait, now it’s 779,454,518 gallons…. now it’s 779,456,189 gallons….

Just stare at the environmental devastation ticking away. It’s simply mesmerizing in that absolutely horrific kind of way. Like a slow-motion car crash for the Earth.

The Porter Ranch natural gas leak (just north of Los Angeles) has been pumping methane into the air since October 23, 2015. Partly because it hasn’t had a working safety valve since 1979. The whole mess is quite literally a global disaster. There’s no word yet on when the leak will be plugged, but until then we have this counter to gaze at, while we can merely picture our descendants shaking their heads.


[h/t LA Curbed]

