#video | the Inventor printed on a 3D printer solar digital watch

Изобретатель напечатал на 3D-принтере цифровые солнечные часы

The first sundial appeared in Ancient Egypt, maybe even earlier, but we know nothing about it. This device appeared at a time when a person sees a clear relationship between the length and position of the solar shading and the position of the Sun in the sky. The first sundial looked like a bar with tick marks, measure the length of shadow, and then appeared round the clock, in the center of which was mounted a rod (gnomon) that casts a shadow. But is it possible to mix solar watch with digital?

Of course, we are not talking about electronic sundial. The word “digital” in this case means only styling this watch under some semblance of an electronic device. The sundial, designed and printed on a 3D printer French enthusiast, hiding under the nickname Mojoptix, create shadows, depicting the current time in the form of a set of numbers. It is implemented with the help of hundreds of holes in the gnomon. Depending on the position of the Sun in the sky, watch off their unique shade that really looks very original.

In a video published by the inventor, he talks about the process of creating their watches. Not without noticeable flaws: due to the unusual design, the watch is able to display only the time from 10:00 to 16:00 with an interval of 20 minutes. This, however, did not prevent Mojoptix to put their watches on sale on the marketplace Etsy at a price of 107 canadian dollars. Buyers are available in two colors — black and blue, and two versions of watches designed for residents of the Northern and southern hemisphere.

Изобретатель напечатал на 3D-принтере цифровые солнечные часы

