Video: Russian truck driver gets the scare of his life

Video: Russian truck driver gets the scare of his life

Posted on 19-03-2014 at 11:19 by sir_smokalot – 13 Comments”

Scissor me timbers!
With your truck over a quite snow-covered, narrow road riding is not without risk.

Russia, a man and his truck. In a bleak winter landscape run many truck drivers their miles in an almost permanently wet, grijsgrauwe environment. Fortunately, you’re in your cabin nice and warm, and you will be shielded from the elements that the outside of your 18-wheeler at times. That is, unless you breakdown or anderssoortig discomfort to endure.

We are observing one of the many Russian dashcams on one of the typical long roads in the largest country in the world. Wait for it…wait for it…VIDEO! And give that man a drink.

