Video: recordjump with MINI fails. Hard.

Video: recordjump with MINI fails. Hard.

Posted on 19-03-2014 at 13:28 by sir_smokalot – 24 Comments”

Did yesterday rally Frenchman and notoriously backflippert Guerlain Chicherit in the picturesque skidorpje Tignes an attack on the record of ‘farthest jump ever. He managed not to.

In all honesty: the jump à 110 m managed him perfectly, only the part ‘countries on 4 wheels’ didn’t come completely out of the paint. The nose of his frantic MINI Countryman proved to be slightly overweight and thus changed the attempt ‘farthest jump’ in record ‘number of times about the head strike after a failed attempt farthest jump. That is worth something, isn’t it?

The old record, since 2011, in the name of Tanner Foust, is still just standing there. Chicherit came with a few schrammetjes.

Video on autojunk! (Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde chez de saloperie de connard d enculer ta mère. It’s like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.)

