“The netherlands should the pricing was going to enter’

“The netherlands should the pricing was going to enter’

Posted on 25-11-2015 at 19:27 by rubenpriest – 67 Comments”

'Nederland moet het rekeningrijden gaan invoeren'
The above nauseating quote is certainly not from the us. No, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development a.k.a the OECD, writes that in a report on environmental policy in our country.

What about the OECD linea recta osso with this kind of statements. In a today’s released report is said about how great the Netherlands is in the area of environment and sustainability. Yet, there is a thick ‘maarrr’ to the story.

The organization is of the opinion that we -I hate this word – road pricing yet, should consider to in. The report is given today to state Secretary Sharon Dijksma of Infrastructure and the Environment in Paris. By the emissions of fossil fuels, in particular in the randstad, scores of our country are not exactly high in the list of the 34 OECD countries.

Because it is expected that the traffic in the randstad will increase, according to the Oecd, the pricing was again reconsidered. According to them, this is the main option to files to address. The biggest joke is the temporary alternative that the organization recommends. As should parking in the cities is very expensive, so that motorists stay away from the city. A fantastic and unique idea. Will politics again, the discussion about road pricing go cranking?

Photo: Diablo on the A12

