Municipalities strew with thick slooppremies old barrels

Municipalities strew with thick slooppremies old barrels

Posted on 14-03-2014 at 8:44 by sir_smokalot – 29 Comments”

Slooprijpe Mini
As of today, the inhabitants of Rotterdam in their request for a scrapping premium to submit. But not only in the City there is to get, The Hague and Utrecht have similar initiatives.

You would think that a scrapping premium a inititief supposed to be from the national government (that was also ever), but also lower government revenue and last of the air viesbah. Therefore throws Rotterdam a small 8 million euros on diesels older than 2005 and petrol cars older than July 1992. Change this smart in for something superelektrisch and your advantage is up to nine ridges. Yes: 9.000 euro. There you must be different however, soon a few days for work.

Here goes: first come, first served. As soon as the money runs out, you have bad luck. Requests by the 23,000 contenders are from today accepted.

The other large cities, The Hague and Utrecht, too, here is according to the AD 3.500 and 2.000 euro to pick up.

Amsterdam threw out there in 2009, at the time of the national cash -, al a few extra penny pennies over it, and now sits on his hands. Logically also, they recently had some unforeseen expenses, then to the payment of the social amenities which commas have been incorrectly placed.

Update: the province of Utrecht reserves by 2015 5 million for a cash.


