Flitsbusje drive is stuck in the mud

Flitsbusje drive is stuck in the mud

Posted on 13-01-2015 at 14:31 by sir_smokalot – 40 Comments”

Flitsbusje rijdt zich vast
You must especially do this again a wet lawn running with your VW Transporter. This action was of a BOA – which, like his colleagues, like hide-and-seek play, not without consequences remained guess.

As far as the news where the reader might be grinning in his little hands and rubs. If you are vastrijdt provides you but that you saves himself, or a very expensive tow truck call, but a highways inspector Harold showed his good heart, and won this bermbandiet (and also a colleague-a highways inspector in addition) out of the muck.

Of course, it is the most human and decent thing to do, and we still have a high cap on our highways inspectors, but I would still just on the teeth should bite before the simpleton from his precarious position had freed.

Who are the bottom lights should be on the blisters sit, doesn’t it? Last weekend, we noticed that all the elements of our acceptgirobrigade not favorable, and this is again a confirmation of this.

Thanks for the tip, @brnstp!

