December 11 in history: the transmission of the text by Morse code between continents, nitrous oxide in dentistry and motorsports, and the RAID by the FBI against the pirates

11 December 1901, the Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi first transmitted signal via Morse code to another continent. It was the first session mesatlantica connection, albeit not very ambitious — Marconi was traileranal single letter S from Cornwall (UK) in Newfoundland (Canada). The antenna length of 150 m was kept at the snake box, prepared on the occasion of the Marconi transatlantic transmission of data, and it must be said, could hardly withstand a strong wind.

Гульельмо Маркони принимает трансатлантический радиосигнал
Guglielmo Marconi receives a transatlantic radio signal

Merits talented Italian admitted and Alexander Popov — inventor of radio originally from the Russian Empire. Two famous radio were buddies, and today they are both much esteemed for the sailors of the appearance of radio communication on Board ships of war turned decisively previously accepted principles of warfare.

Радиорубка, созданная по проекту Маркони на корабле «Титаник»
The radio room, designed by Marconi on the ship “Titanic”

However, in the struggle for leadership is not mastered yet then the market for radio Marconi was not too far — the most notorious case is the incident with the famous ship “Titanic”, in which the radio until the last moment handed a distress signal, understood only by the employees of his conceited head of the company. Instead of the SOS signal “Titanic” sent out into the ether of the mysterious seafarers CQD, and only too late began to apply generally accepted distress signals

11 December 1844 American doctors first experimented with nitrous oxide as anesthesia. Chemist Gardner Colton and the dentist Horace wells for a long time did not dare to perform the surgery with the use of “laughing gas” — while nitrogen was made to use as mind-numbing means, in addition, it should be used in very low doses to avoid deaths.

Закись азота полезна в стоматологии...
Nitrous oxide is useful in dentistry…

...и автоспорте
…and Motorsport

The thing is that with prolonged use, or without mixture with oxygen is a common anesthetic in the truest sense of the word poisons the blood, destroys the spinal cord (up to mortal paralysis), or causes the development of genetic malformations in the fetus if it takes a pregnant woman.

Nitrous oxide became widespread since 1772, but it has always been used in the so-called “meetings for the sake of laughter” — during the musical evenings, the audience was allowed to inhale an intoxicating blend of leather bags. Before the opening of the adverse effects of such gas was considered a secular decoration in the evening.

And yet this gas is now widely used in the modernization of the cars, because it improves the properties of internal combustion engines. Nitrous is injected into the intake manifold of the internal combustion engine, and, by reducing the temperature of the intake air with increased oxygen content dramatically increases the intensity of combustion in the cylinders.

11 December 2001 the Federal Bureau of investigation, the United States undertook several large-scale operations to catch Internet pirates. For example, during the operation, code-named “Bandwidth” of the agents managed to catch 21 release party-RWZ group — its members hacked license of software, games and DVD video, and then put it all in free access.

Пиратство - увлечение опасное!
Piracy is a dangerous hobby!

Despite the fact that many members of “criminal gangs” were not even personally acquainted with each other, the FBI somehow infiltrated into their structure engaged in surveillance of a chat (IRC) within the release group, then arrested all of the computers involved in the distribution, and the participants themselves RWZ forced to pay compensation to the holders and to cooperate with the investigation to catch the rest of the pirates. The total damage caused to the Rightsholders, have reached $1 million.

To capture the second release group called “DrinkOrDie” the U.S. government did not begin to waste time on trifles, and additionally attracted to the investigation of the Customs service of the USA, the Ministry of justice and even the Ministry of defence (dangerous criminals are caught, how could it be otherwise?). The investigation into the operations “Buccaneer” and “Digital Piratez” lasted 15 months, during which time law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Canada 34 times conducted a search, and together with the secret services of the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland and Norway seized 130 computers pirate with 50 terabytes of data on them.

Went and educational institutions in the Rochester Institute of technology (NY) and the University of Twente in the Netherlands students secretly stored pirated content. The perpetrators are not caught, but the oversight of students promised to make more strict.

Was conducted and hunting “on live bait” — during “operation Site Down” security services opened… major pirate sites and then tracked and prosecuted anyone who had anything downloaded from there.

A few years later (2006). The FBI reported the successful conduct of “operation D-Elite” — in the course of it, the government agents intercepted the traffic from the torrent tracker EliteTorrents, has calculated the location of the owners of the tracker held in their home “masks-show” and got the statistics about all visitors of a resource.

Calls to fight “global evil piracy” the U.S. government repeatedly requested the extradition of pirates from other countries, for example, from Australia, but local authorities do not support the endeavors of special services and pravoobladanie USA.

