Named the release date and price branded smartphone Yandex

The company Yandex has started negotiations with potential partners for selling your brand of smartphone. This was told to the newspaper “Vedomosti”, citing its own sources.

Yandex Launcher
Yandex Launcher

Yandex is discussing sales with a retail network of MTS, MegaFon”, VimpelCom and the group “M. video-Eldorado”. The company requires minimum charges and to negotiate with sitelerini not yet possible.

Initially, Yandex was going to import the first batch of the smartphone in the fall. At the beginning of the negotiations, the parties discussed the price of 14 990 rubles, but because of the dollar it rose to 16 990 rbola. However, another source reported about the price of 20 thousand rubles.

We will remind, in July on the website of the Eurasian economic Commission there is a record of certification smartphone called Yandex.Phone brand “Yandex” with a model number YNDX-000SB. As a manufacturer of listed company Yandex Services, registered in Switzerland. Before that it had submitted a similar request to Yandex.The station, which became the first hardware product of Yandex.

