Slowly actions police are expanding, and now?

Slowly actions police are expanding, and now?

Posted on 07-04-2015 at 10:12 by sir_smokalot – 78 Comments”

Although they still have the striker to bypass entering the disgruntled police officers the pressure on their bosses a piece. Today run 4 regions action by the highway with a 60-moving column to hide.

In the regions of Zeeland/West Brabant, Oost-Brabant, Noord-Holland and Midden-Nederland, at this moment, the actions going on: on the A58 between Tilburg and Vlissingen in both directions, between Eindhoven and Den Bosch-Oss (A67 – A2 – A59 – A50), From Groningen to Hoogeveen and back again (A28) and between Urk and Lelystad (A6).

Purpose is the expression of dissatisfaction about the conditions and to the lack of appreciation for the work of the police. The question is how long they are going to do, because outside of rush hour with blaring sirens 60 drive does not really make a difference. In addition, the new here, after a period of time also called off.

Maybe you have better suggestions for the ladies and gentlemen in blue to get their point across? Follow the development via the lijfblog of the VID.

Photo: actievoerende skotoe with out a traffic jam on the A28, image: webcam, VID

