Nine technologies that new cars make them even better

Nine technologies that new cars make them even better

Posted on 16-07-2013 at 15:20 by sir_smokalot – 80 Comments”

Autonome BMW 5 Serie
The past few years cars are more efficient, safer, and better than ever. However, stagnation means decline, so how can your product improve? We have nine suggestions for the future.

  • Autonomous cars

How well you yourself can find drive, a computer can be 100 times better. A perfect autonomous car can on very short distance of his vehicle in front to drive, what the fuel consumption is enormous prints. Autonomous cars may be more efficient to cross at intersections. Autonomous cars can be a miljoenmiljard times better insert, what files to minute proportions back, and in an autonomous car, you can enjoy working on the move or watch a movie.

  • Augmented reality (AR) heads-up display

If the fully autonomous car is still a step too far, then AR is a good tussenpaus. Heads-up displays (HUD’s) have made their way to the modern (more expensive) car found, but AR is mostly still in the development phase. We have for illustration purposes, all examples seen, but AR has yet to break through.

An overview of the sense and nonsense of AR you find in this article.

  • Alternative fuels/aandrijfwijzen

More than 125 years after its first introduction, the internal combustion engine is still almost the sole ruler in autoland. And in recent years elektrificering absolutely a flight, albeit mainly as a support function, and not as the main part.

Fuels like biodiesel, natural gas/green gas, and possibly ethanol have potential and which further can be elaborated, and that also happens.

In addition, there are promising technologies: the fuel cell (hydrogen), among others. Toyota and a handful of other manufacturers are experimenting with it, and earlier this month announced GM a collaboration with Honda.

  • Gain of kinetic energy

Not a new phenomenon (the Prius has that already been 15 years), but this is one area which is still a lot of ground to win. Practical applications we see currently, among others, with Mazda i-ELOOP, capacitors).

Technologies that are still in the development stage are, among others, Volvo cars’kinetic flywheel (KERS) and PSA’s Hybrid Air.

  • Use of stronger/lighter materials in construction

Aluminum is already veeluldig used, the next step is carbon, or maybe magnesium?

BMW with its i-series, especially in carbon, but the downside of this is that your damage against impossible repair costs are likely to run into. This is where magnesium may be plooibaarder.

  • Car2Car communication

The road conditions change voortduurend or lesser extent, during a car ride. Sensors in and around your car, pick up this, and set components: Predictive Suspension (S-Class) is an example of this, but don’t forget the interplay between the cars themselves.

Cars that can communicate with each other to make the road a lot safer. The electronic brake light is a great example of this: a car braking, and gives that to the car behind him, which in turn communicates with the car behind it. Such a communications network has a lot of preventive potential.

  • Smartphone apps for extending functionality

The car of the future is “connected”, and the smartphone plays a major role in. In particular, BMW is pioneering for quite some time with its Connecteddrive concept, but in the future it is not inconceivable that general apps that, for example, if the real-time diagnostic software can serve.

Imagine: you have an app that has access to your OBD port. This can all kinds of data reading, and alerts when something is wrong, or when there are certain maintenance operations to sit, for example. Or, simpler: you can be a fifteen minutes before embarking upon your car via your app already certain things set. By on a cold day, the heating is already running, for example.

  • Solar panels on your roof

On top of your roof is a lot of empty space, so why not use panels? Cars like the Fisker Karma and Seat Exeo (yes) have been here for a stub. Very efficient in terms of yield, they are not, but all bits help. In addition: also solar energy panels will be better.

  • Active Aerodynamics

Aerodynamic drag is the big enemy of your car, in terms of consumption. You want the flow so as efficiently as possible. Aerodynamic parts that are adjustable, to help with this. The new Porsche 911 Turbo makes already use of.

