No driecilinders for medium and large Benzes

No driecilinders for medium and large Benzes

Posted on 10-03-2014 at 18:51 by sir_smokalot – 13 Comments”

Mercedes E-klasse
A four-cylinder in the highest class of the luxefabrikanten is quite simply, actually does only BMW with the 7 Series isn’t easy. With the next step in the downsizing, the driepitters, but Mercedes has no pull in.

Around the Geneva motor show had the journaille the opportunity to the manufacturers to the sleeve to draw, and that happened. The British media talked to Bernhard Heil, the head of the motorenafdeling at Mercedes.

He gives that look to the application, but that the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages, namely: a lack of finesse. Driecilinders often have balansassen needed against vibration, which in turn extra weight can bring. With this ruling sets Mercedes is compared to BMW, that have the intention of praying for his future 5-Series-an entry-level model of a driepitter.

Even with an extremely small stuff in a large carriage, it seems to us a Salvation good idea. There are breaks, however, onvermijdelijkerwijs a time that Mercedes back to this point will have to come. Provisional does Mercedes prefer to downgearing, for example, with the 9-speed in the E350.

