Category: English

  • Our impressions from the closed beta version of the game Gran Turismo Sport

    Not so long ago started the phase of closed beta testing of the simulator Gran Turismo Sport, which goes on the PlayStation 4 this year. Our newsroom got one of the keys to access the game, and we hasten to share with you the first details about the future of one of the most popular…

  • Frameless smartphone BLUBOO S1 you can obtain free

    We have talked about the curious Chinese smartphone BLUBOO S1, who volunteered to compete with frameless Xiaomi Mi Mix and has an incredibly low price — only $ 159. This week, the manufacturer will begin accepting pre-orders for this new product, with 2000 lucky people can get this smart phone absolutely for free. The action…

  • In terrestrial glaciers Wake up dangerous disease

    Throughout the history of our planet people co-existed with bacteria and viruses. We were looking for ways to resist bubonic plague and smallpox, and they responded by looking for ways to infect us. For almost a hundred years we use antibiotics since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. In response, bacteria have acquired antibiotic resistance. The battle…

  • May speaks of the tragic incident

    LONDON – The British prime minister Theresa May speaks on Monday of “a tragic incident.” She reacts to the news that once again a car intentionally into a crowd is driven. The incident at a mosque took at least a person’s life, and several people were injured. Her thoughts go out to the victims, their…

  • Party Macron wins absolute majority

    PARIS – The party of the French president Emmanuel Macron has an absolute majority obtained in the parliament. Not all the votes have been counted, but the ministry for Home Affairs reported that Macrons party La République en Marche (LREM) and its ally Modem at least 331 of the 577 seats have achieved. For an…

  • Survivors Grenfell get advance

    London – Survivors of the burnt Grenfell-flats in London to get a advance from a small 6.400 euro. The money is in two parts paid. First, £ 500 cash, the remainder is transferred to their bank account. The death toll from the fire last Wednesday in the tower raged, now stands at 58. Later today,…

  • Why Did an Enormous Chunk of West Antarctica Suddenly Start Melting?

    Image: NASA 300,000 square miles is nearly twice the area of California. It’s difficult to visualize a space that vast, but go ahead and give it a try. Now, imagine this California plus-sized chunk of land is covered in thousands of feet of ice. Then, all of a sudden, that frozen fortress becomes a wading…

  • Conflicts for Trump Officials Show That the Amazon-Whole Foods Merger Should Go Smoothly

    Photo: Getty “Goldman Sachs owns him, he will do anything they demand,” Donald Trump tweeted last year. He was referring to his opponent Ted Cruz. But now he’s president and he has assembled the richest Cabinet in history. That fact bodes very well for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his plans to take over the…

  • Suspicious pamphlets at the airport of Brussels

    BRUSSELS – At the airport of Brussels is a Sunday-night bomalarm issued. In the mannentoiletten in the finish area were around 19.45 suspicious pamphlets found, said the federal police. The police took the certain for the uncertain, and proposed a safety zone. Extra police and soldiers were deployed to the building to search for suspicious…

  • Iran according terreuractie in Tehran

    BEIRUT – The Iranian Revolutionary Guard corps has Sunday targets in the east of Syria bombarded with missiles. The attacks were targeted at the bases of extremist groups, which, according to Iran, were responsible for the recent terreuraanvallen on the Iranian parliament and the mausoleum of ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. By the rocket attacks from…