Category: English

  • Bank of America has patented a AI assistant for operations with cryptocurrency

    Judging by the patent, which is the second-largest U.S. Bank filed the other day, his leadership thinks about the future of cryptocurrencies, and more about how to make the life of its largest holders easier. The patent describes an automated system that will help companies to convert, sell and make cryptocurrency transfers, bringing the total…

  • In Russia can create your own reusable “Falcon 9”

    In Russia started to develop a reusable rocket of the middle class, which will be the response created by the company SpaceX Elon musk carrier rocket Falcon 9. The development of reusable rockets are engaged in RSC “Energia” and space-rocket center “Progress”. As experts in the industry, create media, ready to be reusable, it is…

  • The AI begins to search for serial killers

    Today one of the most difficult and frightening crimes include serial murder. And in the twentieth century, their number was greatly increased, and some serial killers are not found until now. But soon the police come to the aid of artificial intelligence that has managed to solve one mystery. To search for serial killers will…

  • Nvidia introduced Titan V — the most powerful graphics card in the world

    If we are talking about satisfaction related to the power of the personal computer, there is no such thing as “too much.” That is why Nvidia has decided to introduce new graphics accelerator, Titan V, and calls it the most powerful ever created by graphics cards. Price new… hold your breath… $ 3,000. And finally…

  • The results of the awards ceremony, The Game Awards 2017

    Tonight took place the solemn ceremony of awarding the best video games of the past year, its scale comparable to the famous “Oscar”. This event is remarkable not only with the presentation of the prestigious statuettes to the winners, but also a number of loud (and not very) new video game announcements and good news…

  • The Boeing company intends to overtake SpaceX and the first to land people on Mars

    The race for Mars is gaining momentum. CEO of Boeing, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of aviation, space and military equipment, believes that megarocket, which his company helps to create space Agency NASA to deliver astronauts to the Red planet and make it earlier than it promised to make the billionaire and the owner…

  • Only 4 hours Google “nurtured” the best chess players in history

    Chess is a difficult game. At least by human standards. But for heavy-duty artificial intelligence this is a common hobby that can be mastered in a very short time. In an article published in the online library engineers from Google share details about how their latest AI configuration AlphaZero were able to develop “superhuman…

  • Elon Musk admitted that Tesla is developing its own AI processors

    No matter how Elon Musk is weary about the future of artificial intelligence, he understands that without it can not do. Including his own company Tesla, whose cars rely heavily on the autopilot. And that, in turn, will not be able to adequately react to the surrounding changes, not being equipped with an advanced AI…

  • Astronomers have discovered an anomalous black hole

    A team of astronomers from Massachusetts Institute of technology have discovered the most distant from our planet supermassive black hole. It is located in the center of the bright quasar, the light from which reached Earth after 13 billion years. So you can estimate this time interval, we say simply: this is the approximate age…

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 officially presented

    The second day of his summit in Hawaii, Qualcomm, as expected, devoted to the new member of the family of mobile processors. In this article we’ll discuss about Snapdragon 845 and what breakthroughs can we expect from flagship smartphones in 2018. At the moment the desire to use Snapdragon 845 in their new smartphone is…