Author: admin

  • Disney det neurale netværk, der bestemmer publikums reaktion på den film

    Filmindustrien er ikke kun kunst, men også uløseligt forbundet med den videnskabelige og tekniske fremskridt. Publikum, selvfølgelig, for det meste ikke ønsker at gå ind i tekniske detaljer skabe dine foretrukne billeder og TV-shows, men eksperter studios sådanne spørgsmål, der vedrører hele tiden. Høj teknologi, der blandt andet tillader os at forstå, hvor meget en…

  • #video | Miniature robot implanteres i det menneskelige legeme

    Ideen om at skabe microbots, der “boede” i den menneskelige krop og overvåge den sundhedstilstand, hvert år synes mindre og mindre fantastisk. Fordi der er en masse af færdige prototyper, hvoraf nogle har bestået fase af kliniske forsøg. Og ifølge redaktionen på magasinet New Scientist, og for nylig har en gruppe forskere fra USA, Kina…

  • Est-Ce Usine de Foxconn, le ” Big, Big, Big Apple de Plantes Donald Trump Vanté?

    Photo: AP Le mercredi, les haut dirigeants Républicains, y compris le Président Donald Trump, Vice-Président, Mike Pence et président de la Maison de Paul Ryan, tout semblait à la Maison Blanche aux côtés des Administrations Scott Walker et PDG de Foxconn, Terry Gou, d’annoncer un écran LCD de nouvelle ligne de production dans le Wisconsin.…

  • È Questa Fabbrica Foxconn “grande, Grande, Grande” di Apple Piante Donald Trump Vantato?

    Foto: AP Mercoledì, top leadership Repubblicana, tra cui il Presidente Donald Trump, Vice Presidente Mike Pence e Speaker della camera Paul Ryan, tutti riuniti alla Casa Bianca a fianco di Gov. Scott Walker e CEO di Foxconn, Terry Gou di annunciare un nuovo LCD linea di produzione in Wisconsin. I 10 miliardi di dollari pianta,…

  • MIUI 9, Mi 5X Lanserade Nokia 3310 3G-Variant Såg & Mer: 360 Dagligen

    Xiaomi lanserat tre nya saker på onsdagen i Kina: Android 7.0 Nougat-baserade MIUI 9 programvara som snart kommer strömmen många av sina telefoner, Mi 5X smartphone, och en smart högtalare i Mi AI Högtalare. I själva verket, MIUI 9 anpassad hud har gjort sin debut med Mi 5X. Företaget har bakat i sin egen version…

  • Artificial intelligence is not as smart as you and Elon Musk believe it

    In March 2016 computer algorithm AlphaGo company DeepMind was able to win over Lee Sedalen, at that time the world’s best player in complex logic. This event became one of those defining moments in the history of the technology industry, which at the time began and the victory of the computer Deep Blue, IBM over…

  • China has created artificial electronic “skin” that changes the color

    As the press service of Tsinghua University, which is located in Beijing, scientists and researchers from this institution managed to develop a new material based on graphene with unique physical properties: electronic artificial “skin” that can change its color. E-the skin is called e-skin (similar to e-ink e-ink). It is worth saying that attempts to…

  • The Orii ring will turn your finger of the owner in a headset for your smartphone

    In the autumn of last year, it was announced headset Sgnl consisting of a strap with Bluetooth. Thanks to her, it was possible to put a finger to his ear and communicate with someone on the phone. Looks cool but quite bulky, the strap is not to everybody’s taste. Fortunately, now we have a choice…

  • Disney the neural network determines the audience reaction to the films

    The film industry represents not only art and business, but also inextricably linked with the science and technical progress. The audience, of course, for the most part does not want to go into technical details create your favorite pictures and TV shows, but experts studios such questions concern constantly. High technology, among other things, allow…

  • #video | Miniature robot implanted into the human body

    The idea of creating microbots that “lived” in the human body and monitor the state of health, every year seems less and less fantastic. Because there are a lot of ready-made prototypes, some of which have successfully passed the stage of clinical trials. And, according to the editors of the magazine New Scientist, and recently…