A new feature in Google Chrome will save millions of rubles

Google is testing a feature that will help to minimize the likelihood of phishing attacks on users of the Chrome browser. In the experimental mode, the search engine has added a feature that suggests the correct website address, if the user enters the URL, like him. Thus, the browser once again draws attention to the error in the title of the site and offers to fix it, not to fake (phishing) page.

Writes CNET, the browser checks the address when you enter the site, and if it is similar to the known domain site, but differs from it, for example, one character (or similar character), Chrome gives a warning that the address is incorrect. The browser substitutes the correct URL, to prevent a user from moving to the Scam site.

The existence of the new feature, first noticed in the version of Google Chrome Canary 70. Hi-News.ru was able to find it in the stable release of the browser on request chrome://flags/#enable-lookalike-url navigation-suggestions. However, after activation, it still doesn’t work; apparently, all this is running in test mode.

Phishing is one of the most common ways of fraud. Copycat websites are cheap to maintain and quite profitable with the right approach. The phishing hackers managed to earn from $ 30,000 to $ 2.5 million for the week. This is not the limit. In order to receive a login and password for your victims, the attackers are sending emails on behalf of banks and other services please go to the link, usually leading to a fake page.

Google has long anti-phishing, routing messages with suspicious content to spam. Now the protection of users has reached a new level. And you often come across such sites? Write in our Telegram chat.

