Sberbank and Yandex has launched an online store “Take” after testing

Sberbank and Yandex announced the launch of a new marketplace “Take” after several months of testing. The content of the site products from verified suppliers began in may 2018.

Since spring, more than 1,000 sellers have placed almost 100 thousand items in 600 categories. Now on the marketplace, you can find baby products, home appliances and electronics, goods for home and garden, pet products, food, cosmetics, and also to order the delivery of drugs. During the testing, users made more than 180 thousand orders.

With the launch of the marketplace appeared to Take Bonuses. When shopping, people will receive discounts or free shipping for future orders. Take allows you to collect bonuses: if the user typed enough bonuses to pay for the goods, he can buy it at a symbolic price of 1 ruble.

The system works like a game: the user does not know what to purchase and what bonus he receives. Take gives buyers discounts on a specific amount or percentage of the order value. They can be distributed on the entire range and on certain products or categories. New discounts will appear on Take regularly: on the page “Collection of Take-UPS” buyers will see what bonuses they have in the Bank and what they can get in the future.

