Refueling is per 1 January 2014, considerably more expensive

Refueling is per 1 January 2014, considerably more expensive

Posted on 18-12-2013 at 16:12 by CasperH – 103 Comments”

Tanken wordt flink duurder in 2014
The prices at the pump will rise to 9 cents per litre after the turn of the year. Fine hey, such a new tax plan?

The tax plan is final, the First Room has the plan adopted and thus are not only oldtimerliefhebbers the hare, everyone is going to notice if the voiture of new stooksap must be provided.

This means that you are on the pump now for 1.5 cents per gallon more is going to pay for a litre of petrol. A dieselrijder is three times as hard as getting hit in the wallet and must now rely on an additional of 4.5 cents per litre satanssap. The price of LPG every effort, however, the crown: this will rise by 9.3 cents per litre.

The record for the highest excise duty on petrol was already in Dutch hands, but with the increase of the price of diesel shooting we also now get to the top. The can in the borders of bales, in particular as a plug as in neighbouring countries Belgium and Germany, is the fuel cheaper, and in addition, there are also no trigger announced. The expectation is that in the border area, many pumping stations are unmanned will be or that they will be closed.

It is a good sling for the can but as we all know, interested in the politics of The Hague all no ass: as long the motorist is it all picks up (and we do) they just continue milking. In fact, even the protests of interest to The Hague, zero comma, nada. Naaierij of the top shelf, you do it now!

Fotocredit: Jeffrey de Ruyter

