• Autoblog-Advice: good family car with gadgets and power

    Autoblog-Advice: good family car with gadgets and power

    Autoblog-Advice: good family car with gadgets and power Posted on 14-10-2015 at 14:00 by dizono – 112 Responses” Since Peter is working in his own domicile, their Renault Megane DCi actually a bit redundant. With two long children actually also on the small side, so it was about time for another car. On gas, with…

  • A Quick Guide to the Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Campaign Data Drama 

    A Quick Guide to the Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Campaign Data Drama 

    A data security glitch led to a Democratic party squabble this week, complete with a lawsuit, and accusations of spying and sabotage hurled between campaigns. I didn’t know it was possible to make Bernie Sanders more ornery, but here we are! Here’s what you need to know about the conflict, and why voter data played…

  • Een Snelle Gids over de Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Campagne Gegevens Drama

    Een Snelle Gids over de Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Campagne Gegevens Drama

    Een beveiliging van de gegevens van glitch geleid tot een Democratische partij gebekvecht deze week, compleet met een rechtszaak, en de beschuldigingen van spionage en sabotage geslingerd tussen campagnes. Ik wist niet dat het mogelijk was om Bernie Sanders meer gewone, maar hier zijn we dan! Hier is wat u moet weten over het conflict,…

  • Eine Kurzanleitung zum Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton-Kampagne Daten Drama

    Eine Kurzanleitung zum Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton-Kampagne Daten Drama

    Eine Daten-Sicherheits-Panne führte zu einer Demokratischen Partei-Hickhack in dieser Woche, komplett mit einer Klage und Vorwürfe der Spionage und sabotage geschleudert zwischen Kampagnen. Ich wusste nicht, dass es möglich war, um Bernie Sanders mehr ornery, aber wir sind hier! Hier ist was Sie brauchen, um wissen über den Konflikt, und warum Wähler Daten spielte eine…

  • Una Guida Rapida per l’Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Dati della Campagna Dramma

    Una Guida Rapida per l’Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton Dati della Campagna Dramma

    La sicurezza dei dati glitch led per un partito Democratico battibecco questa settimana, completare con una querela, e le accuse di spionaggio e sabotaggio lanciò tra le campagne. Non sapevo che fosse possibile fare Bernie Sanders più ornery, ma qui ci sono! Ecco che cosa dovete conoscere circa il conflitto, e perché i dati elettorali,…

  • En Hurtig Guide til Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton-Kampagnen Data Drama

    En Hurtig Guide til Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton-Kampagnen Data Drama

    En data-sikkerhed glitch førte til et Demokratisk parti skænderi i denne uge, komplet med en retssag, og beskyldninger om spionage og sabotage slynget mellem kampagner. Jeg vidste ikke, det var muligt at gøre Bernie Sanders mere ornery, men her er vi! Her er hvad du behøver at vide omkring konflikten, og hvorfor vælger data, der…

  • Ce Physicien du Concepteur de Flocons de neige Éblouissante

    Ce Physicien du Concepteur de Flocons de neige Éblouissante

    Vous pourriez dire Ken Libbrecht est en flocons de neige. En fait, ils sont l’un des principaux sujets il étudie dans son laboratoire à Caltech. Il a même eu une high-tech de flocon de neige de la machine, qu’il utilise pour grandir éblouissante concepteur de flocons de toutes formes et tailles. N’y a pas deux…

  • BMW M2 lapt Nürburgring in 7:58 minutes [video]

    BMW M2 lapt Nürburgring in 7:58 minutes [video]

    BMW M2 lapt Nürburgring in 7:58 minutes Posted on 14-10-2015 at 13:50 by sir_smokalot – 75 Comments” Sub-8-minute laps around the Green Hell or GTFO. But this Ringtijd as a bit of a blamage. BMW’s M-division has launched a brand new product under the M3/4, in the form of a M2. Itself draws the comparisons…

  • From tomorrow you allowed 130 km/h on the A12 London-Reeuwijk

    From tomorrow you allowed 130 km/h on the A12 London-Reeuwijk

    From tomorrow you allowed 130 km/h on the A12 London-Reeuwijk Posted on 14-10-2015 at 15:16 by sir_smokalot – 33 Comments” Hoppa, again, 22 miles of asphalt there where you 130. Do you think, every time you get in the car and from Utrecht to Den Haag drive, not: ‘gosh, I did but one minute less…

  • Dozens of managers involved in VW-dieselschandaal

    Dozens of managers involved in VW-dieselschandaal

    Dozens of managers involved in VW-dieselschandaal Posted on 14-10-2015 at 15:57 by rubenpriest – 19 Comments” At least 30 managers in the VAG group would have been involved in the deliberate fraud of the diesels. We will get more and more behind how big the size is of dieselgate. The group is currently being turned…