• Senatorer Ønsker at ‘Udforske’ Intravenøs Nødhjælp Indberetninger Til Netflix og Spotify

    Foto: Getty Tidligere dette år, Hawaii beboere har modtaget en tekst—”BALLISTISK MISSIL TRUSSEL INDGÅENDE TIL HAWAII”—med urette-at signalere, at en atombombe kan være på vej mod dem. En medarbejder, der efter sigende forvekslede en boremaskine til en reel angreb og sendt indberetningen, at alle mobiltelefoner i staten. I dag, AMERIKANSKE senatorer indført et nyt lovforslag,…

  • Mark Zuckerberg Har du en God Idé til, Hvordan du Løser Facebook

    Foto: Getty I et nyt interview offentliggjort i dag, at Facebook stifter Mark Zuckerberg går langt på en bred vifte af emner, herunder salg af data, idet holocaust-benægterne på deres ord, falske nyheder, og en simpel idé, der er skøre nok, det bare kunne arbejde. At tale med Recode, Zuckerberg fortsatte sin undskyldning tur, der…

  • Online Barn Spil-Firma, Roblox Siger I-Spil ‘Voldtægt’ Var Forårsaget af en Hacker

    Grafik: Roblox En syv-årig pige, var at spille online spil Roblox et par uger siden, da hendes i-spil karakter, blev overfaldet af to andre figurer i spillet. Pigens mor, Amber Petersen, som så hændelsen, der udfolder sig på skærmen på iPad—to mandlige karakterer for seksuelt overgreb på sin datter ‘ s “avatar”, som det blev…

  • Nogle af de Mest Spektakulære Astronomi-Billeder af 2018

    Plads Nogle af de Mest Spektakulære Astronomi-Billeder af 2018 “At holde på Grund Nord”Billede: Jake Mosher George Dvorsky52 minutter agoFiled til: AstronomyFiled til: Astronomi Astronomi astronomi-billeder Fotografering astronomi fotografering plads fotografering videnskab 1 Rediger Embiggen Send til Redaktionen Fremme Dele til Kinja Flytte annoncepladser Gå til permalink Over 4,200 billeder blev forelagt til dette års…

  • It’s Time to Pretend We’re Shocked by Yet Another Voter File Data Breach

    Photo: AP A security researcher has, yet again, discovered thousands of U.S. voter files with a minimal amount of effort. Given that over the past year virtually every registered U.S. voter has been exposed by one data breach or another, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to feign our surprise. According to the researcher, Kromtech Security’s Bob…

  • Men Looking for Anonymous Sex Reportedly Tricked Into Being Filmed for Porn Site

    Photo: Getty Federal agents arrested the man behind the porn operation “StraightBoyz” on Tuesday, after he allegedly spent years tricking men into having sex acts performed on them on camera, and posting the videos online without their consent. According to the Miami Herald, which obtained documents about the case, Bryan Deneumostier, 33, posted ads on…

  • Baby Snake That Lived Among Dinosaurs Found Preserved in Amber

    The baby snake encased in amber.Image: Yi Liu Scientists working in Myanmar have uncovered a nearly 100-million-year-old baby snake encased in amber. Dating back to the Late Cretaceous, it’s the oldest known baby snake in the fossil record, and the first snake known to have lived in a forested environment. Over 2,900 species of snake…

  • This Folding Robotic Device Captures Delicate Sea Creatures Without Crushing Them

    RAD in its fully extended configuration.Image: Wyss Institute at Harvard University It’s estimated that around a million species are still waiting to be discovered in our planet’s oceans, especially in the deep midwater sea areas. Many of these undiscovered aquatic animals are gelatinous, and, as a result, super fragile. Conventional capture techniques, like nets, often…

  • New Study Finds Unintended Consequences of CRISPR Gene Editing

    A scientist preparing DNA samplesPhoto: USFWS Northeast (Flickr) Scientists and biotechnologists have heralded the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system as revolutionary way to edit DNA, like scissors and a glue stick for the genome. But a new study found some potentially harmful unintended effects. This isn’t the first time a paper has found flaws in CRISPR’s abilities,…

  • Elon Musk Should Tweet More

    Photo: Getty On Sunday, Elon Musk’s long-simmering internet meltdown reached a full boil when he called a man who was mean to his submarine a pedophile. This gave the Tesla founder’s harshest critics and fiercest fanboys something they could finally agree on: the guy needed to give it a rest and log off. A Twitter…