• Forskere Over Hele Verden Bliver Alvorlig Om Kvante-Internet

    Hvad quantum internettet ser ud i mit sind.Foto: Oliver Deisenroth (Wikimedia Commons) Det tager lidt mere end at logge på for at se de mangler i dagens internet—primært, hvor let det er at stjæle eller opsnappe data. En fremtidig løsning på disse problemer kunne være en opgradering, der bygger på de seneste fremskridt inden for…

  • Den Vanskelige Økonomi af iPhone XS og iPhone XR

    Foto: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo) IPhone XR hits butikker på fredag, og alle er ved at flippe ud af, om det er den mest overkommelige nye iPhone. Starter ved $750, men den XR faktisk ikke er så meget billigere i den store arrangement med ting. Og alligevel, at den tilfældige observatør, enheden ser også en pokkers…

  • Instagram Trækker Milo Yiannopoulos Indlæg ser ud til at Prise Mail-Bomber

    Foto: Mary Altaffer (AP) Instagram har trukket sig fra sin platform et indlæg af tidligere Breitbart tech redaktør Milo Yiannopoulos, der tilsyneladende rost den tilsyneladende rør bomber, der sendes i denne uge til en række af de bedste Demokrater—herunder den tidligere Præsident Barack Obama og tidligere Udenrigsminister, Hillary Clinton,—samt CNN. De indlæg, fælles torsdag, sagde,…

  • Real-Life ‘Zombie’ Animals Walk the Earth Thanks to Thousands of Parasites

    Photo: Wikimedia Commons/S. Rae DeathThis week Gizmodo explores death and deadly things, in all their forms—the physical, the digital, and the fantastical.   Consider the ladybug. Our polka-dotted little friend spends its days munching aphids, climbing leaves, occasionally alighting upon a delighted child’s outstretched finger, and generally beetling around being adorable. It’s one of nature’s most…

  • Scientists Think They Can Use Silver to Help Kill Brain-Eating Amoebas

    Naegleria fowleri cultured from the spinal fluid of a patient with an infection.Image: CDC In folklore and movies, silver is often one of the best tools against terrifying monsters like vampires and werewolves. But a recent study seems to show that silver could help defeat some real-life horrors, too. Silver nanoparticles loaded with common anti-seizure…

  • Intriguing German Fossil Could Be an Entirely New Species of Archaeopteryx

    Artist’s idea of Archaeopteryx albersdoerferi.Illustration: Zhao Chuang The winged Archaeopteryx is one of the most famous dinosaurs known to science, yet arguments persist about its place in the evolutionary family tree. The reported discovery of an entirely new species of Archaeopteryx with distinctly bird-like characteristics suggests its relationship to modern birds is more meaningful than…

  • Stop Using Blowtorches to Kill Spiders in Your House

    Photo: Robin Loznak (AP) While this should seemingly go without saying, it turns out that “kill it with fire” is not a great idea when it comes to ridding your home of pests. Nonetheless, there is no shortage of failed cases of people attempting to kill spiders or insects with blowtorches, and it doesn’t often…

  • Instagram Pulls Milo Yiannopoulos Post Appearing to Praise Mail Bombs

    Photo: Mary Altaffer (AP) Instagram has pulled from its platform a post by former Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos that seemingly praised the apparent pipe bombs sent this week to a number of top Democrats—including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—as well as CNN. The post, shared Thursday, said it…

  • Tmall wiederum aus einem Geschäft in der Marktplatz für Drittanbieter zu erwerben

    Die chinesische Handelsplattform Tmall arbeitet in Russland auf der Basis von AliExpess, wird die Arbeit nach dem Prinzip маркетплейса, anstatt zu handeln eigenen Artikel. Darüber hat die Ausgabe «Wedomosti» mit der Verbannung auf den Vertreter der Baustelle. In Russland Tmall aufgeben der eigenen Beschaffung. Stattdessen wird das Ergebnis erfolgt durch die Kommission mit dem Einkauf…

  • Große Staatsangestellte Meizu Note 8 offiziell vorgestellt

    Die Firma Meizu hat heute in China eine neue Low-Cost-Smartphone Meizu Note 8. Er erhielt rahmenlose Design ohne Ausschnitt, doppelten Hauptkamera und rein Batterie. Das Smartphone wird in einem Metallgehäuse umschlossen. Er ist 6-Zoll-IGZO-Display mit einer Auflösung von Full HD+ (2160 x 1080 Pixel), Fingerabdruck-Scanner auf der Rückseite, Frontkamera 8 MP, Dual-Hauptkamera 12+5 MP. Hardware-Basis…