Category: English

  • During the floods in England are looters active

    During the floods in England are looters active

    wed 30 dec 2015, 08:28 Looters during floods England YORK – During the floods in the north of England are looters active. British media reported Wednesday that there is in York in a flooded area, a series of thefts were committed. The local police has complained that it is incomprehensible that there are people who…

  • Intel buys Altera chipmaker

    Intel buys Altera chipmaker

    The company Intel announced the completion of the acquisition of the company Altera. Recall, Altera produces programmable chips, including programmable logic integrated circuits of FPGA type. It is expected that the acquisition will allow the companies to advance in the development and manufacture of solutions for data centers and the Internet of things. The amount…

  • Waterproof iPhone 7 will get rid of the plastic inserts

    Waterproof iPhone 7 will get rid of the plastic inserts

    The Chinese edition Commercial Times reported that Taiwan’s Catcher Technology, engaged in the manufacture of metal buildings, will remain the largest supplier of cases for the new iPhone models for Apple. The source also confirmed earlier rumors that the upcoming line of iPhone 7 will be protected from exposure to water. In addition, the Commercial…

  • John McAfee Presidential Campaign Update: He Will Not Kiss Your Baby

    John McAfee Presidential Campaign Update: He Will Not Kiss Your Baby

    Former software mogul and current cartoon millionaire John McAfee is running for President of the United States. But he will not be kissing your baby to do so. And, for that, he apologizes. On his website, McAfee claims that he will be running the “first purely electronic Presidential campaign.” Which means that he will not…

  • Hillary Clinton has bright out at Islamic State

    Hillary Clinton has bright out at Islamic State

    wed 30 dec 2015, 07:17 Clinton: violence IS genocide WASHINGTON – The American presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has Tuesday bright out at Islamic State. They describe the violence of the terrorist organisation against christians, Iraqi yezidi and other religious minorities in the Middle East as “genocide”. Photo: Associated Press “I am sure that we have…

  • Google Glass Is Still a Bad Idea

    Google Glass Is Still a Bad Idea

    Google ended its Glass Explorer program a year ago, bringing a welcome end to the experiment. But Google Glass is not dead. Instead, the device is being resurrected as a tool for workplaces, and government regulators just released images of a prototype. Guess what? The new Glass looks just like the old Glass, and sounds…

  • Is there life without a laptop? Experience with iPad Pro

    Is there life without a laptop? Experience with iPad Pro

    About iPad Pro, we knew almost everything before it was officially unveiled. Not entirely clear was just how he will be positioned. Another form factor of the popular tablet? Full replacement of laptop-based mobile operating system? A specific instrument for the representatives of creative professions? After the official premiere the to understand the essence of…

  • Does Anybody Understand the Growing Obsession With Smart Rings?

    Does Anybody Understand the Growing Obsession With Smart Rings?

    As soon as powerful processors were tiny enough to pack into your pocket, companies big and small have been hunting for other ways they can strap tech onto our bodies. Fitness trackers and smartwatches were only the beginning, and if the last few months worth of patents divine wearables’ near future, smart rings are next.…

  • New Research Could Improve Artificial Retinas To Help a Blind Eye See

    New Research Could Improve Artificial Retinas To Help a Blind Eye See

    It’s possible to restore some rough semblance of sight in the blind with artificial retinas. New research suggests that varying the length of the electrical pulses used to let a blind eye “see” could enable much higher-resolution retinal implants, so that blind people can better navigate their environment with confidence. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a…

  • Scientists Officially Pronounce the “Ninja Lanternshark” a New Species

    Scientists Officially Pronounce the “Ninja Lanternshark” a New Species

    It’s scientific name is Etmopterus benchleyi, but when a shark is all-black, lurks in the depths of the ocean, and has the ability to glow, why limit yourself to the official nomenclature? Researchers have nicknamed this bad boy the “ninja lanternshark.” These sharks were hauled up from the deep all the way back in 2010,…