Category: English

  • Game overview Perception

    Games in the horror genre (“horror”- eng.) there are so many. Many players just love it when developers take a good scare, so constantly looking for new thrills. But what happens if you make a video game, the main character is a blind man? When you can’t see the source of danger, and can only…

  • Created a protective fabric that can neutralize chemical weapons

    Chemical weapons is one of the most dangerous weapons of mass destruction. And if at the beginning of the development of chemical weapons struck the man through the respiratory tract, the modern specimens are able to penetrate even through unprotected areas of the skin and mucous membranes, causing extensive damage. Despite the fact that the…

  • In Sweden has opened a Museum of failed gadgets

    Not every product, even the most revolutionary, the assurance of its creators, able to survive in the fierce market competition. So it turns out that even very advanced gadgets and other electronic devices, flash and quickly fade away in the market, and just a couple of years about them no one remembers. Samuel West was…

  • Ethiopian Coffee Is Screwed Unless We Do Something About It

    Image: Allan Schuller Climate change might not feel that important if you’re living far away from a coastline. But that doesn’t mean your life won’t change. Lots of the items people love will likely be influenced by the changing climate in some way, and the popular Ethiopian coffee is a prime example. Coffee makes up…

  • What If the Earth Suddenly Turned Flat?

    Illustration: Jim Cooke/Gizmodo The Earth is a round orb, almost four thousand miles in radius, orbiting a star alongside some other orbs of varying sizes. We’ve taken pictures of it. But some folks don’t believe any evidence presented to them by a government agency. Many have come to the conclusion that the Earth is actually…

  • This Is An Animal, Not a Penis

    Here's What That 'Faceless Fish' Actually Is Life gets pretty weird in the cold abyss of the deep sea. One deep ocean oddity presented itself to … Read more But if you thought that freaky creature kind of looked like a penis, then you’re going to love the peanut worm. Which looks even more like…

  • Reality Loser, Rick Perry, Says CO2 Doesn’t Cause Global Warming 

  • NASA Finds 10 More Planets Humanity Might Be Able to Ruin Next

    Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech Humanity hasn’t done a ton of good in our short stint on Earth, though we’ve definitely succeeded at turning this planet into a trash pit of despair. Today, researchers from NASA’s Kepler space telescope team announced we might get to bring our garbage party to another planet—perhaps a bunch of them. The Kepler…

  • Killer Tsunami in Greenland Possibly Triggered by Landslide

    Image: YouTube Four people are missing and nearly a dozen homes were flooded after a rare tsunami struck the west coast of Greenland on Saturday. Initial reports attributed the giant wave to a magnitude four earthquake, but speculation is emerging that the highly-localized tsunami was actually produced by a massive landslide. The tsunami, which struck…

  • Unseen Photos of Mount St. Helens Eruption Uncovered From Forgotten Camera

    Image: Kati Dimoff A vintage camera from the early 20th century containing a roll of undeveloped film has yielded an extraordinary set of images showing the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, considered among the disastrous volcanic eruptions in US history. Whenever photographer Kati Dimoff finds herself in southeast Portland, she stops into the Goodwill…