Category: English

  • iOS 12 will protect the iPhone from special services and criminals

    Apple confirmed the closing technical loopholes that allowed law enforcement agencies, and not only them, to hack iPhone with the help of special devices that connect via USB. This was reported by the New York Times. Apple told about the planned software upgrades, which will shut down charging port and data transfer in an hour…

  • Is there a limit to scientific knowledge?

    “What we see is not nature itself, but nature presented to our method of observation”, wrote German physicist Werner Heisenberg who first realized the uncertainty inherent in quantum physics. For those who see in science a direct path to the truth of the world, this quote may be unexpected or may be even disappointing. It…

  • “Kaspersky lab” will not cooperate with Europol

    “Kaspersky lab” has carried out a reversal in the direction of Russia and decided not to cooperate with European law enforcement agencies, including Europol. This is due to the recently adopted European Parliament resolution on strengthening the protection of Russia, China and North Korea. The resolution, according to lawyers Kaspersky Lab, contains “untrue and based…

  • “Google Translator” on the basis of neural networks now works without the Internet

    The Google translator is a very handy feature when you point your smartphone camera at an unknown word or expression and the machine gives you a translation of “infidel” in their native language. However, until recently such a useful travel thing could only be used when connected to the Internet, that in view of the…

  • How difficult is it to conquer the quantum nature of matter?

    Matt Trusheim includes a switch in a dark laboratory, and powerful green laser illuminates a tiny diamond, held in place under the lens of a microscope. On the computer screen appears an image of a diffuse gas cloud dotted with bright green spots. These spots — tiny defects inside the diamond, in which two carbon…

  • Morbid Researchers Imagine a ‘Best-Case Scenario’ for Nuclear War, and the Results Are Grim

    French Licorne nuclear test, July 3, 1970.Image: Pierre J/Flickr There are currently about 15,000 nuclear warheads on Earth—enough to blow our planet to kingdom come. It’s complete overkill, literally. But how many nukes is enough to deter an enemy? And how many nukes could an aggressor nation drop on an enemy before the effects of…

  • Update Your PC Now to Fix This Pesky Cortana Security Flaw

    Screenshot: Gizmodo Cortana, like all digital assistants, is supposed to make life easier by organizing your data and presenting you with helpful information when you need it. Unfortunately, that inclination to be useful can also pose a security risk, as McAfee found when it discovered a bug in Windows 10 that let hackers use Cortana…

  • You Can Now Search for Addresses Across 750 Million Years of Earth’s History

    New York City, as seen 170 million years ago.Image: Ancient Earth/Ian Webster The Ancient Earth map comes with some neat features, including a brief description of the chosen period at bottom right, and the ability to remove clouds and stop planet rotation. Using the mouse, you can orient the map to your liking. Specific time…

  • These Are the Most Ancient Frogs Ever Found Preserved in Amber

    Two of the four frogs found in amber (the specimen on the right shows two views).Image: Lida Xing The extraordinary discovery of four small frogs preserved in amber is providing the earliest evidence of these now-prolific amphibians living in tropical rainforests. New research published today Scientific Reports shows that frogs—an animal that first emerged some…

  • Elon Musk’s Boring Company Wins Bid to Build High-Speed Underground Rail in Chicago

    Illustration: The Boring Company Billionaire Elon Musk, who also founded the car company Tesla and the space exploration company SpaceX, came under fire (sorry) last week when The Boring Company released a flamethrower of questionable social value. The device, literally called Not-A-Flamethrower, is idiotic, to say the least. “We’ve had three major fires in Orange…