Category: English

  • Helps stop snoring sleeping on your side?

    Nearly half of all adults snore — if not you, I would have. Loud and constant snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorders that require medical intervention. They say that you can get rid of snoring, if you sleep on your side. Is it really so? For starters, remember this.…

  • Hydrogels have learned complex movements

    Living organisms expand and shrink soft tissue to implement complex three-dimensional movements and functions, but the repetition of these movements created in the laboratory materials has proven difficult. Scientist from the University of Texas at Arlington recently published a study in Nature Communications which outlined the path to finding a solution. Kyungsuk Hume, associate Professor…

  • Mission to Slam Spacecraft Into Asteroid Has Begun Final Design and Construction

    Graphic: NASA A mission to deflect asteroids that might threaten Earth has begun its final design and assembly phase, according to a news release. NASA is testing a technique meant to protect the planet from an impending asteroid strike, and it’s a satisfyingly simple one: They’re gonna slam the ship into the rock. The Double…

  • Jeff Bezos Now Has a $2 Billion Charity Fund—I Have Some Questions

    Photo: Mark Wilson (Getty) Jeff Bezos, who is both famously uncharitable and the wealthiest man in modern history, announced today via a tweet that he’d be allocating $2 billion—a little over 1 percent of his net worth—to housing and educating underserved communities. So, where’s the catch? The $2 billion is, as best we can tell,…

  • RIP iPhone SE

    Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo) Yesterday, Apple treated the world to a trio of shiny new iPhones, and while it’s nice to see Apple lean into the big screen trend with the iPhone Xs Max and provide an (almost) bezel-less phone with Face ID that’s actually kind of affordable in the iPhone XR, something big things…

  • Hubble Captures Image of a Truly Warped ‘Dragon’ 

    Gravitational lens affect produces a “Dragon.”Image: BUFFALO/NASA/ESA An ambitious use of the Hubble Space Telescope hopes to map some of the biggest, brightest, and furthest galaxies to understand the structure of our universe. Above is a picture from that survey, featuring a strange, warped feature called the Dragon. You may have seen the Hubble Deep…

  • Study Suggests BPA-Free Plastics Are Just as Harmful to Health

    Photo: Drew McNew (Getty Images) Plastic products that boast of being “BPA-free” aren’t necessarily any safer for us, suggests a new mouse study published Thursday in Current Biology. The chemicals used to replace BPA in these plastics can still leak out and affect the sperm and eggs of both male and female mice, it found.…

  • Facebook Is Expanding Photo Fact-Checking Across 17 Countries

    Photo: Getty Facebook is expanding the scope of its fact-checking partnerships to include photo and video posts in 17 countries, ramping up its effort to hinder election meddling as the U.S. midterms approach. The company first opened up in March about fact checking photos and videos as a part of a broader plan to fight…

  • Yes, You Can Own the Movies You Buy from Apple, Kinda

    Photo: Getty On Wednesday, a man went viral after posting his dispute with Apple over three movies that he’d previously purchased that suddenly disappeared from his iTunes library. Many people took it as an opportunity to remember that ownership is dead and we’re all just renting. It’s also an opportunity to remember that’s not exactly…

  • OnePlus Killing the Headphone Jack Is More About Money Than Good Timing

    Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo) Look, I’m not going to say OnePlus is being greedy by axing the headphone jack on the upcoming OnePlus 6T. OnePlus is a company, and companies need to make money, or else they go away. But to say that the reason behind switching to wireless audio on the OP6T was largely…