Author: admin

  • Tillit Jio Tilbyr Opp til 10 GB Ekstra Data til Oppo Smarttelefon Kjøpere

    Før bestilling av Jio Telefonen starter, Oppo kunngjorde torsdag at selskapet har sluttet hendene med Tillit Jio å tilby spesielle fordeler til de kundene som vil kjøpe selskapets smarttelefoner. Med dette partnerskapet i stedet, de kundene som kjøper en Motsatt smarttelefon og melder seg i Jio Prime-medlemskap vil få flere data fordeler. Som per nytt…

  • Smartwatches Vil Fortsette å Drive Wearables Markedet i 2017: Gartner

    Etterspørselen etter anvendelig teknologi er satt til å øke 16.7 prosent i 2017 og 310.4 millioner slike enheter vil bli solgt globalt, markedsundersøkelser firmaet Gartner sa på torsdag. Den bærbare enheter som markedet ville generere en omsetning på $30.5 milliarder kroner (rundt Rs. 1,95,309 crores) i 2017. Smartwatches ville fortsette å drive wearables markedet og…

  • Snapchat Planer Flytte Inn Manus Innhold ved Utgangen av Året

    Foto-deling plattform Snapchat er sannsynlig å flytte inn manus innhold gjennom sin viser ved utgangen av året. En rapport i Utvalg på onsdag sitert Snapchat er leder av innhold Nick Bjelle som sier at selskapet ikke var å bidra til å drive en innsats i hjertet av tradisjonelle kringkastere. “I stedet, det kan bidra til…

  • Google Nå Kan Du Sjekke Om Du er Deprimert Med en Screening Test

    Google Søk-brukere i USA vil snart være i stand til å ta en screening for å finne ut om de er deprimerte. Den klinisk godkjent test er valgfritt, og vil dukke opp når Google Søk-brukere i USA ser opp “depresjon” på søkemotoren. Det vil bli plassert som en boks på toppen av resultater på mobil…

  • Hurricane Harvey Expected to Bring Catastrophic Flooding to Texas (updated)

    Tropical Storm Harvey as photographed by the GOES-16 satellite at 9:50 am EDT on August 23, 2017. (Image: NOAA/CIRA/RAMMB) Tropical Storm Harvey is continuing to gain strength in the Gulf of Mexico, and meteorologists are now expecting this weather system to assume hurricane status by Friday. Texans are now battening down the hatches in preparation…

  • This Probe Might Investigate the Mysterious Ocean of Saturn’s Biggest Moon

    Dragonfly concept art. (Image: APL/Mike Carroll) “Titan is a unique place in our solar system,” APL’s Elizabeth Turtle, principal investigator on Dragonfly, told Gizmodo. “It’s the only moon with a dense atmosphere, and it has both an internal liquid water ocean as well as hydrocarbon seas on the surface. Titan’s rich organic chemistry, and the…

  • What Present-Day Hunter-Gatherers Can Tell Us About the Bacteria in Our Gut

    Image: Wikimedia The Hazda is a small group of hunter-gatherers living in the central Rift Valley of Tanzania, one of the few remaining groups of people left in the world who still collect the majority of their diet through foraged foods. Modernity has still managed to touch their lives, of course, but far less than…

  • Court Orders DreamHost to Turn Over Info on Anti-Trump Site [Updated]

    Photo: Getty DreamHost must turn over some information about a website hosted on its platform that was used to plan a protest on President Donald Trump’s inauguration day, a DC judge ruled today. The Justice Department, which alleges that the site helped coordinate a riot, initially sought a massive amount of DreamHost data including the…

  • Another Government Agency Has Purged References to Climate Change From Its Site 

    Credit: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative Credit: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative Data-tracking watchdog group, Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI), has reported dozens of instances where the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has deleted references to climate change from its site. As the name suggests, the NIEHS’ site links to research summaries detailing…

  • Common Antiseptic Chemical Can Harm Important Cell Function

    Image: danjo/Flickr There are many bad things to worry about. Be it climate change, diseases, rabid dogs or ticks, life is just chock full of worry. So, here’s another thing: virtually everything in your medicine cabinet. Sorry 🙁 Don’t freak out, because there’s not enough information to know how bad the chemical is, and well,…