Author: admin

  • I løpet av Trias, Denne Elefanten-Størrelse i Forhold til Pattedyr Bodde Sammen med Dinosaurer

    Artist ‘ s skildring av Lisowiciz bojani.Illustrasjon: Karolina Suchan-Okulska Det var stort og digert, men ikke kall dette Trias-epoken dyret en dinosaur. Mer nært knyttet til pattedyr, denne store herbivore er rock paleontologisk verden—og til å endre hva vi vet om evolusjonære historie. Den utrolige skapning, kalt Lisowicia bojani, var en dicynodont—en fjern fetter av…

  • FDA Offisielle Gir Oppdatering på E. Coli-Utbruddet, Men Du Bør ikke Spise Romaine Salat Ennå

    Bilde: Justin Sullivan (Getty) Centers for Disease Control og Prevention (CDC) har utstedt en advarsel tidligere denne uken ikke å spise romaine salat av noe slag som følge av en ny E. coli-utbruddet som har sicked mer enn to dusin mennesker over 11 stater. Scott Gottlieb, kommissær av Food and Drug Administration, twitret torsdag at…

  • Rada najwyższa ukrainy uchwaliła budżetu państwa-2019

    Posłowie w drugim czytaniu głosowało za projekt ustawy o państwowym budżecie na następny rok. Rada najwyższa rano 23 listopada przyjęła budżetu państwa Ukrainy na rok 2019. Projekt ustawy nr 9000 w drugim czytaniu poparł 240 deputowanych ludowych. Dokument przewiduje dochody budżetu państwa na 2019 rok w kwocie 1,026 biliona złotych, w tym dochody ogólnego funduszu…

  • Ukraina przekazała Polsce dokumenty o sowieckich represjach

    Materiały archiwalne zawierają około 60 tysięcy stron. Są one związane z prześladowaniem polaków, żyjących w związku Radzieckim. Instytut pamięci narodowej Polski (IPN) otrzymał z ukraińskich archiwów około 60 tysięcy stron dokumentów o sowieckich represjach wobec polaków w 1930 roku. O tym w czwartek, 22 listopada-poinformowało Polskie radio. “Dla strony polskiej − to bezcenne dokumenty w…

  • Blizzard will create an analogue of the Pokemon Go in the style of Warcraft

    Blizzard is working on a new mobile game. This was reported by profile publication Kotaku. According to the source, a special Department at Blizzard is developing a mobile game based on the Warcraft universe in the style of the acclaimed Pokemon Go. Main game designer Cory Stockton (Cory Stockton), also worked on World of Warcraft,…

  • Yandex proposes to introduce Alice in public services

    The company Yandex has offered to use its proprietary voice assistant Alice in the provision of public services. About this informed the newspaper “Vedomosti”, citing three sources. According to these sources, at a meeting of representatives of the IT industry with first Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko, the proposal received from the…

  • Steam started a big autumn sale

    Valve has launched big autumn sale games in its digital distribution service Steam. It started on 21 November at 21:00 Moscow time and will end on November 27, also at 21:00 Moscow time. Many games have gotten quite an impressive discount. So, Civilization 6 discount in the amount of 70% standard edition Rainbow Six Siege…

  • Samsung Galaxy A8s will get “leaky” display and a triple camera

    In the network appeared the details about the upcoming smartphone Samsung Galaxy A8s, not yet officially presented. Information and conceptual images shared profile German online AllAboutSamsung. According to the source, Samsung Galaxy A8s will get a new display Infinity-O and triple main camera on the rear panel. The smartphone will be available in several gradient…

  • Russian customs was accused of checking books from foreign online stores

    Pulkovo customs detained the book the Future is the history of how totalitarianism has returned to Russia” (“the Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia”) journalist Masha Gessen, published in USA. This was told by the lawyer Sergei Golubok on his page in Facebook. Dove ordered the book on Amazon by DHL Express. At Pulkovo…

  • Die NASA Schließlich Zeitpläne Test von SpaceX Raumschiff Entworfen für Astronauten

    Künstlers Konzeption von der SpaceX-Crew Dragon-Kapsel auf einer Falcon 9-Rakete beim Start. Bild: SpaceX Der erste Testflug der eine unbemannte SpaceX-Crew Dragon-Raumschiff geplant für Januar, die NASA hat gestern bekannt gegeben. Der test markiert einen wichtigen Meilenstein für die Vereinigten Staaten, die bisher nicht in der Lage, selbstständig zu liefern, Astronauten ins all seit 2011,…