Author: admin

  • Looks Like Sonos Is Making Some New Smart Speakers

    Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo) A new filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has revealed some details about a new Sonos product. The redacted documents show that a new model number S18 smart speaker will work as satellites for the company’s soundbars to create a surround sound system and will also include built-in microphones for…

  • Industrial Waste From Ants Emits Potent Greenhouse Gas

    Image: Scott Bauer, US Department of Agriculture/Wikimedia New research shows that garbage piles produced by leaf-cutter ants emit significant amounts of nitrous oxide—a potent greenhouse gas. Chemical reactions within the organic waste piles produced by leaf-cutter ants create copious amounts of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, according to new research published today in Proceedings of…

  • Finally, a Neural Network Can Turn a Bunch of Sheep Into Some Decent Giraffes

    Generating giraffes with CycleGAN (left) and InstaGAN (right).Image: Sangwoo Mo, Minsu Cho, Jinwoo Shin Using machine learning to swap out one image for another isn’t new, but ask these systems to do something a bit more complicated than a basic faceswap, and you can end up with underwhelming or laughable results. Now, researchers say they…

  • ‘Dry January’ Helps People Lay Off Alcohol Even Months Later, Study Finds

    Photo: Cate Gillon (Getty Images) There’s at least one healthy New Year’s resolution that you may actually maintain through the year, suggests a new study: cutting down on your drinking. The study found that UK residents who tried to abstain from alcohol for the month of January in 2018—as part of a public health campaign…

  • Adding a ThinkPad Nubbin to a Mechanical Keyboard Is an Incredibly Nerdy Hack

    Trackpoint users REALLY love this little red nubbin.Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo) Keyboards, for reasons I’m still unsure of, seem to inspire a lot of nerdery. People will spend hundreds of dollars to tweak and customize their keyboards until they’re perfect. Or they’ll bust out some old keyboard parts and a knitting needle to add a…

  • First Clear Picture of Ultima Thule Reveals Snowman-Like Shape

    Screenshot: NASATV The New Horizons team has released the first high-resolution images of (486958) 2014 MU69, nicknamed Ultima Thule, the furthest object ever explored by a spacecraft. New Horizons launched in 2006 and flew by its initial target, Pluto, in 2015. NASA then extended the mission to analyze a new target, a Kuiper Belt Object…

  • New Horizons Scientists Double Down on ‘Ultima Thule’ Nickname Despite Nazi Associations

    The isle of Thule as it appears on an old mapIllustration: Public Domain/Olaus Magnus (Wikimedia Commons) The excitement around NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft arriving at its latest target, an oddly shaped object called (486958) 2014 MU69, has dredged up a fact that often goes unstated—the object’s nickname, “Ultima Thule,” carries links to Nazism. Though most…

  • Ajit Pai’s Gloating Statement About the Death of Net Neutrality, Translated

  • Some Hummingbird Beaks Are Better Suited for Combat Than Nectar Feeding

    A sparkling violetear and a brown violetear display their elaborate neck side-feathers to intimidate each other and dissuade each other from using their weaponized bills, which feature teeth-like serrations and dagger-like tips.Image: Cristian Irian, Finca Colibrí Gorriazul, Colombia With their elongated bills and specially adapted tongues, hummingbirds are built to extract nectar from flowers. As…

  • Oh No, Apple Probably Only Made $84 Billion Last Quarter

    Photo: Getty Tim Cook just issued a very curious warning: Apple is lowering its revenue guidance for the first quarter of 2019. In other words, Apple is not going to make as much money as it had previously anticipated, and it’s kind of China’s fault. How bad is the damage, you wonder? Apple now expects…