Why did coffee become neuter?

Coffee lovers are usually categorically against the drink being called in the neuter gender, as this is a sign of bad manners. At the same time, in modern dictionaries you can see that the word “coffee” has both masculine and neuter genders. The thing is that by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.2016, the neuter gender was officially assigned to coffee, but the masculine gender was retained. Therefore, both options are correct. But why did the rules change at all and why was the neuter gender needed?

Why was coffee made neuter? There has been a long-standing debate about the gender of the word

There has been a long-standing debate about the gender of the word “coffee”. Photo source: rbc.ru

Why is coffee masculine

The word “coffee” sounds like a neuter gender, like many nouns ending in the vowel -e or -o. For example, the words: wine, coat, sea, sun and others are neuter. Also, indeclinable loanwords like cocoa, chardonnay, meringue, etc. receive the neuter gender. Why then did “coffee” receive the masculine gender?

There is an opinion that “coffee” is borrowed from the English word coffee or the Dutch koffie. However, this still does not clarify the situation with the gender. The only logical explanation for the masculine gender is the borrowing of the French word “le café”. It has a masculine gender, since the French language simply does not have a neuter gender. But, on the other hand, there are many borrowed words that have a different gender in the original. Linguistics does not prohibit the adaptation of borrowed words to your language.

Why is coffee masculine. There are several versions of why the word

There are several versions of why the word “coffee” was originally masculine. Photo source: dzen.ru

Therefore, most likely, the masculine gender of the word “coffee” is connected not only with the peculiarities of the French language. The fact is that in the 17th-18th centuries, the word “coffee” or “coffee” is found in dictionaries, which, of course, is masculine. In those days, they said: “pour me some coffee.”

The word “coffee” has its roots in the middle of the 17th century. Russians first tried this drink in the territory of the German Quarter. The fact is that since the reign of Vasily III these lands were inhabited by foreign mercenaries, doctors, artisans and architects, who introduced local residents to coffee. The Dutch called the drink “koffie”, the Germans – “kaffee”, and the English – “coffee”. Local residents, not accustomed to foreign dialects, heard the word “kofiy” or “kofey” from foreigners. By the way, this is how Peter I himself, who was a big fan of it, called the drink.

When coffee was first called in the neuter gender

Since the 19th century, the word “kofiy” has been used less and less and gradually fell out of use, with the exception of the poorly educated classes. It was replaced by the word “kofe”, but the gender remained the same, that is, masculine. However, even then, in classical literature, it was sometimes used in the neuter gender.

When coffee was first called in the neuter gender. Peter the Great said

Peter the Great said “coffee”, pronouncing the word in the Dutch manner.

For example, in the novel by N. M. Karamzin “Letters of a Russian Traveler” there is a phrase – “But the Italian and I drink ten cups of coffee a day, which we found everywhere.” Also, in the neuter gender, “coffee” is found in the works of Bulgakov, Kuprin, Brodsky and other writers. But most often, the neuter gender was used by ordinary people.

Why was coffee allowed to be called in the neuter gender

Considering all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that “coffee” tends to be neuter. But this is opposed by zealots of tradition, as well as connoisseurs of the drink. For them, the masculine gender is a kind of confirmation of belonging to an elite club where they drink “quality, natural coffee.” “Instant coffee” is considered bad taste. By the way, no matter what you call it, such a drink can also be extremely harmful to health, especially 3 in 1.

But, most likely, the situation will not last long. Yes, many baristas still shudder when they hear the phrase “my coffee”, but the neuter gender is gradually becoming more and more popular. It is regularly encountered in written speech. Therefore, most likely, it will take a little more time, and “hot coffee” will no longer offend anyone. That is, the neuter gender will also replace the masculine gender, just as the word “coffee” once replaced “coffee”.

Why coffee was allowed to be called in the neuter gender. Recently, more and more people are talking about coffee in the neuter gender. Photo source: kulinar.biz. Photo.

Recently, more and more people are talking about coffee in the neuter gender. Photo source: kulinar.biz

Currently, Russian language dictionaries consider both genders correct. True, in some dictionaries, the masculine gender is listed as literary, and the neuter gender is colloquial. However, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation completely equalized both genders “he” and “it”. But what is the reason for such an order?

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Linguists do not invent language changes on their own. They only monitor the development of the language. If stable patterns arise, they simply record them. Simply put, due to the fact that recently more and more people have begun to use the word “coffee” in the neuter gender, a corresponding order was issued. Therefore, it is possible that at some point coffee will completely lose its masculine gender, and linguists will once again have to respond to such changes. If you still have not decided which gender of coffee is more correct, just drink tea! According to recent studies, it reduces the risk of stroke, unlike coffee.

