If you have an old Soviet radio, you can use it to find unusual broadcasts, for example, with phrases of cartoon characters or fragments of melodies followed by a list of a series of numbers. It is believed, and even in some cases confirmed, that this is how states send coded instructions to their agents in other countries. But the most mysterious broadcast is considered to be on the station “MDZHB”, also known as “UVB-76” and “Zummer”. It has been almost uninterrupted for more than 40 years. There is a theory according to which the signal from this station is used by the “Perimeter”, or “Dead Hand” system, that is, a complex for automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike.
System «Perimeter», or «Dead Hand» automatically launches nuclear weapons
The “Perimeter” system – what is it
From the moment nuclear weapons were created, humanity has been under the threat of nuclear war. Theoretically, it can start at any moment, even when no one expects it. We have already told you that the world has repeatedly been on the verge of using nuclear weapons.
Therefore, in the USSR during the Cold War, a complex for automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike “Perimeter” was created, which in the USA has an alternative name – “Dead Hand”. It is currently used by Russia. The complex is designed to guarantee the use of nuclear weapons in the event of an emergency.
Missiles with nuclear warheads can be launched even without the participation of the country's leadership. Photo source: bbc.com
The system was planned so that in the event of a nuclear attack on the USSR, it could deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike completely automatically, that is, without human intervention or with minimal human intervention. That is, it can use strategic nuclear weapons if the country’s top political and military leadership cannot do so.
UVB-76 radio station and the “Dead Hand” theory
For a long time there has been a theory according to which the radio station UVB-76 is used as a “Dead Hand” signal. The station has been broadcasting almost continuously since the 70s on the radio frequency 4625 kHz. At the same time, no one has ever declared their rights or given official explanations regarding UVB-76.
The broadcast on this radio station is a constant monotonous noise that breaks for a split second every few seconds, as well as beeps and other sounds. Once every one or two weeks, the radio station broadcasts messages in Russian like: “I am UVB-76, I am UVB-76. 180 08 BROMAL 74 27 99 14. Boris, Roman, Olga, Mikhail, Anna, Larisa 7 4 2 7 9 9 1 4.”
Enthusiasts have been trying to solve the mystery of the UVB-76 station for more than 40 years
The signal of this shortwave radio spreads throughout Russia and even outside the country. According to the Dead Hand theory, a constant signal lets the system know that everything is fine. But if the signal is interrupted for some time, it will mean a nuclear attack. In this case, the “Perimeter” system will be immediately activated.
Since enthusiasts began monitoring UVB-76 in the early 1980s, the station's broadcasts have undergone changes. Initially, the signal was simply a series of beeps. However, in 1992, the broadcast sounds became different.
Where is the UVB-76 radio station broadcast from?
According to data from open sources, the signal initially came from a Russian military base in the city of Povarovo, approximately 66 kilometers from Moscow. However, in September 2010, the signal source changed its location, making it more difficult to track.
Interestingly, in 2010, an unusual event occurred – the broadcast stopped for a day, that is, there was absolute silence on the air, but the next day the broadcast resumed. Then in August 2010, something unusual happened again – there were numerous pauses on the air. On August 25, listeners heard sounds that resembled “people moving around the room,” as well as what sounded like Morse code. Then the radio station broadcast excerpts from “Swan Lake”, after which the names were pronounced: “Mikhail, Dmitry, Zhenya Boris.”
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Of course, there is no confirmation of this theory. Trying to get more accurate information about this mysterious radio station has proven to be a difficult task, one that Western experts have been puzzling over for decades. There are other versions of its purpose – the radio station is a certain form of research of the ionosphere. Perhaps it represents an underwater communications system, an international spy network, etc. The true objectives of this broadcast remain a mystery.