Archaeologists have discovered mysterious structures under the sands near the pyramids of Giza

Scientists have been closely studying the Pyramids of Giza for many years, and to this day they continue to periodically make major discoveries. This time, researchers were able to discover a large L-shaped structure hidden under the sands near the Great Pyramid of Giza, and underneath it there is another large structure, which they called the Anomaly. Currently, scientists do not yet know what exactly they have discovered, but we are talking about structures created by human hands. Their presence provides new information about the pyramid complex.

Under the sands near the Pyramids of Giza, archaeologists have discovered mysterious structures. Scientists have discovered large underground structures near the Great Pyramid. Photo source: Photo.

Scientists have discovered large underground structures near the Great Pyramid. Photo source:

How modern technologies help archaeologists

Recently, archaeologists have often used technologies that allow them to find various structures under the surface of the earth without excavation. This has allowed many discoveries to be made over the past few years. For example, we have already told you that in this way it was possible to discover a giant fortress of the fifth century in Spain, and in Mexico to find Mesoamerican monuments 3000 years old.

For the recent study, scientists used ground penetrating radar and electrical tomography. GPR works on the same principle as echolocator — Radio waves are sent into the ground and then reflected back. Because materials with different densities and compositions reflect waves differently, the reflected signal provides insight into what lies beneath the earth's surface.

Electrical resistivity tomography works in the same way, but detects changes in the electrical resistivity of different materials that lie underground . In this way, archaeologists can significantly save time and effort when conducting research, and most importantly — modern technologies make it possible to conduct research without disturbing the landscape.

How modern technologies help archaeologists. The site on the territory of the Western Cemetery, under which underground structures were discovered. Photo source: Photo.

A site on the territory of the Western Cemetery, under which underground structures were discovered. Photo source:

Archaeological discoveries at the Western Cemetery

Japanese archaeologists from Tohoku University conducted research at the Western Cemetery site, which has always remained a mystery. The fact is that most of the cemetery is occupied by graves and tombs, but among them there is a rectangular flat area with nothing but sand. Until the last moment, it remained poorly studied.

The study using the two methods described above showed the presence of areas with different densities under the sands. At the same time, the researchers believe that the discovered structures cannot be natural, that is, we are talking about structures that were created by people.

Archaeological discoveries at the Western Cemetery. The position of the structures relative to the pyramids: Photo.

The position of the structures relative to the pyramids:

Mysterious underground structures near the Great Pyramid of Giza

As mentioned above, the structure consists of two parts. One of the structures measures 10 by 15 meters, and is located at a depth of 0.5 to 2 meters below the surface. Beneath it there is a structure occupying an area of ​​10 by 10 meters. The deeper structure was more difficult to detect because it appears to be filled with sand, the authors of the paper report in the journal Archaeological Prospection. It can be assumed that a certain chamber was deliberately filled up immediately after construction.

But scientists also admit that the structure inside is simply hollow, that is, there may be a tomb in it. Since it was not possible to accurately identify this structure, scientists called it an “anomaly.” Considering how both structures are located, the researchers suggest that the structure, which is located above, serves as the entrance to the second chamber, which is located deeper.

Mysterious underground structures near the Great Pyramid of Giza. The underground structures are L-shaped. Photo source: Photo.

Underground structures are L-shaped. Photo source:

Probably, scientists were able to discover structures with vertical walls made of limestone. However, to confirm the assumption, more detailed research is needed, which means excavations. Therefore, perhaps in the near future we will have new discoveries about the pyramids of Giza. It is possible that archaeologists will be able to discover treasures, as has repeatedly happened when discovering the untouched tombs of the pharaohs.

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Finally, we note that recently scientists made another interesting discovery — all the pyramids of Giza, which are currently located in the desert, were built near a large river, which at that time served as a transport artery. Obviously, this made it easier for ancient builders to deliver materials. Just a few hundred years after the pyramids were built, this river disappeared and was covered with sand.

