Among them are politicians. The Irish company iCabbi, a software supplier for taxi companies, has eliminated a serious vulnerability in the protection of its client database, which caused a data leak for almost 300 thousand people. Discuss
A database with unique records with confidential information about 287,961 clients of different taxi services using iCabbi products has become publicly available. These are names, email addresses, phone numbers and user IDs. And among ordinary users, the leak included data of people holding senior positions in media outlets such as the BBC, as well as various government departments such as the Treasury, the Home Office and the UK Ministry of Justice.
According to some information, among the data in leaked records of several former members of the UK Parliament, one senior political adviser and one after the EU.
As a columnist for The Register noted, such data could theoretically be used in convincing phishing scams in which attackers could impersonate a taxi company using the victim's full name and appearing to be legitimate representatives of the company, while knowing other details, including user IDs.