• Virksomheden TKEY DMCC skaber en uafhængig betalingstjenester Tkeycoin

    Virksomheden TKEY DMCC fuldender den forberedende fase til at lancere en universal mobile betalingstjenester baseret på blokkæden teknologi og infrastruktur Tkeycoin. Det nye system vil ende med at forenkle og fremskynde overførslen af midler, vil gøre transaktioner, mere sikker, er betydeligt større potentiale for økonomisk forlig mellem modparterne. Rundt omkring i verden i løbet af…

  • Gennembrud inden for medicin og bioteknologi, som vi forventer i 2019

    2018 var meget cool for videnskab. Fra den kvinde, som fødte med transplanterede livmoderen, at den berygtede skandale med børn CRISPR og kriminologi, ved hjælp af genealogiske prøver at opspore kriminelle sidste år, vi aldrig ophørt undrede mig, hvor vi føre den videnskabelige vej. CRISPR og nu topper overskrifter, men lad os se, hvad kan…

  • Facebook permettent aux Enfants d’accumuler des Charges sur les Parents que les Cartes de Crédit et N’a Rien fait pour l’Arrêter

    Image: Getty Récemment levé les scellés des documents judiciaires montrent que Facebook était au courant que des enfants mineurs couramment utilisé leurs parents les informations de paiement à dépenser de grosses sommes d’argent sur les achats in-game, et la société a choisi de ne pas résoudre le problème. Pendant des années, elle a accueilli pour…

  • #photo | Pits and scars on the surface of the asteroid Ultima Thule

    In early January 2019 space probe New Horizons flew past asteroid Ultima Thule — the most distant object ever studied by humans. Shot with the camera photos are still transmitted to the Ground, and each time their resolution and detail rise. Recently astronomers got a new photo which is clearly visible to the heavy holes…

  • The first commercial line of high-speed Hyperloop system will open in 2022

    The first passenger line high-speed Hyperloop system from the company Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) will open in 2022, said in an interview with CNBC CEO Dirk Ahlborn. The company invited journalists to the newly opened test site, where again demonstrated a full-sized capsules HTT, which was brought to the final test. In the near term…

  • Robots will Park your car where it seems impossible

    Motorists as no one else know how difficult it is sometimes to find a free Parking place. Fortunately, at airports and major hotels doing special employees — they need only to give the keys and they Park the car. As you know, in the future a lot of work is done by robots, and Parking…

  • The most ancient stone of the Earth was discovered… on the moon

    Analysis of lunar soil brought back by astronauts of mission “Apollo-14”, showed the presence of one of the samples of particles of minerals, whose origin is an international group of scientists from Sweden, Australia and the US connects with the Earth. The article describes the research published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.…

  • The company TKEY DMCC creates an independent payment service Tkeycoin

    The company TKEY DMCC completes the preparation phase to launch a universal mobile payment service based on blockchain technology and infrastructure Tkeycoin. The new system will ultimately simplify and expedite the transfer of funds, will make transactions more secure, significantly expand the potential for financial settlement between counterparties. Around the world in a matter of…

  • #photo | Gropar och ärr på ytan av asteroiden Ultima Thule

    I början av januari 2019 rymdsonden New Horizons flög förbi asteroiden Ultima Thule — den mest avlägsna objekt som någonsin studerats av människor. Skott med kameran bilder är fortfarande överförs till Marken, och varje gång deras upplösning och detaljrikedom stiga. Nyligen astronomer fått ett nytt foto som är klart synlig för tunga hål och konstiga…

  • Den första kommersiella linje av high-speed Hyperloop systemet kommer att öppna i 2022

    Den första passagerare linje med hög hastighet Hyperloop system från företaget Hyperloop Transport Teknik (HTT) kommer att öppna i 2022, i en intervju med CNBC VD Dirk Ahlborn. Bolaget bjudit in journalister till nyöppnade test site, där visade återigen en full-size-kapslar HTT, som kom till det sista testet. På kort sikt kapsel kommer att användas…